Encouragement for a Tough Bipolar Disorder Day

peacock in full bloom
I had the amazing experience of being calm and stable for a few days. What a joy. That is my mountain top and I plan to work all day to get back there soon! I can deal with what bipolar disorder gives me in most areas. The work issues continue to challenge me. I will not give up. I don’t want you to give up either!
Bipolar disorder is a daily illness- at least the type I have comes up daily. There are many forms of course. Some people go months without episodes. I had a few years where I was very stable. This means it can happen again. Going with the flow helps. Not being hard on myself helps and doing my best at all times is the best I can do. I support you!
beautiful mishaWhen I’m not doing well, I use the ideas in my books to get myself into a different space. When my issues are with work, I picture the 50 strategies in Get it Done When You’re Depressed and just start using them until I am working again.
I often look at pictures to remind myself that life is GOOD and I simply have an illness. Look at the pictures below. Which ones speak to you? I would love to know! Please add your own pictures- ones you fell will help others affected by bipolar disorder feel better!
beautiful 1
 PS: I felt much better after I did this post! You can feel better too. 

beautiful iris moviebeautiful fly fishing
beautiful bird kitty
beautiful ibrah kick
beautiful blue car

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