I wrote my first book- Bipolar Happens!- in 2001. I was amazed that I could actually write. I started using my Health Cards Treatment Plan for Bipolar Disorder in 1999. I was able to have a career and write books over a year later. Bipolar Happens! is a fun book about a serious topic- managing this illness. Many people tell me that this is their favorite out of all of my books. Here is an excerpt- there are more on the bipolarhappens.com site. This excerpt below is a list- the other parts of the books are tips and stories.
Bipolar Happens! excerpt- 33 Tips to Manage the Illness Successfully
Hi Julie,
Thanks for these tips. They are great.
I did something today which seemed pretty positive. Usually I let stress on my job grow so much that I am overwhelmed, and usually end up quitting. Today I told my supervisor that a project I am working on just can’t be done in the time alloted. So we are hiring a temp to help out. This may not seem very big, but it is huge for me. I had a voice tell me that “you can’t do the job because you are not good enough, that’s why they hired a temp – and now your job is in jeopardy”. It’s just the old lying bipolar talk. It’s not going to phase me.
I’m stable and will do whatever it takes to remain stable. Thank you for all you do.
I read the list as well as your book “Loving Someone with Bipolar.” I recently discovered that my diagnosis had been changed from major depression to bipolar by my psychatrist. While pregnent with my son I was in a partial hospital program because I could not take my Lexapro. After his birth, I went into a severe dpression/meltdown stage and went to the psych ER. I was put on Lamictal then but did not know my diagnosis had been changed. I am Ok with this and take my meds and have individual therapy. My question is.. there are lots of books for parents of bipolar kids.. but what if the parent is bipolar and wants to be a better parent? My kids are 6 years and 17 months old and what do I do when they are driving me insane and don’t want to just meltdown as a result?
julie my wife is biopolar we have 5 year girl what are the chances that she will be bioploar when she grows up
Hi Daniel,
I am going to answer this question and get back to you. Julie