4th of Julie

Today is a huge holiday in the States. It can be a really fun holiday- but it can be a tough one as well!

–  If you’re alone- look on meetin.org or craigslist see if you can find a group of people to meet for a fireworks show. It doesn’t hurt to try!

– If you’re like me and can’t stand the noise of fireworks and all of the crowds-  leave early after you have said hi to everyone- or don’t go at all!

– It’s ok not to join in the party. It’s not like you’re getting paid for it! I always say that opting out is a good biploar disorder management technique!

 I have two parties with friends today. I am going to sit and talk to people- when I get overstimulated- and i will- I’m not going to listen to the voices that tell me I’m not as good,  skinny or rich as the people around me and I’m going to have fun.


this is pretty funny.. I just read the title and realize I write 4th of Julie instead of 4th of July. Ha ha


1 comment to 4th of Julie

  • I DO sincerely know people are trying to help others but looking in the wrong place will not cause the problems to go away and never have. First I read all the following and not one word is said about humans exist in good health or bad health,These statement are symptoms and not the cause.Have you:

    Slept less but felt more energized?

    Had the thought- Thank god the depression is gone, I feel SO much better.

    Felt like spending more? Drinking more?

    Do you feel more sexual than normal?

    Are you eating less than you normally do?

    If you answer yes to any of these, you know what it means. NO MANIA THIS YEAR has to be your motto.
