How long does it take to bounce back from a bipolar episode?

Well, we certainly don’t bounce back. We crawl back into the world on our hand and knees. Then we stand a bit and finally we can walk again. A metaphor of course, but you know what I mean!
I am getting over a week of rapid cycling caused by a medication. The medication was working, so it’s sad that the side effects were too much for me to handle.
There are mood swings and body twitches to deal with, but I will survive.
When you get sick, it’s as though your body has run a marathon. You must give yourself time to get better. You won’t want to do this. You want to just get back to life.
It doesn’t work that way. The body needs what it needs. Be nice to yourself. Rest, but not too much. Move the body. Remind yourself that you are going to be ok.
It takes time.

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