I will do anything to increase my ability to focus- well, let me modify that statement. I will do anything natural to help me increase my ability to focus. I can’t take medications for ADD symptoms as they cause mania. I can’t take memory medications as they also cause mood swings. But I can focus on natural treatments.
Most people with bipolar struggle with brain fog at some time during a depression. Even when we are manic, the focus is not always productive as it can be very scattered. We need help with attention and focus problems so that we can work and be productive in life.
My goal is simple. I want to work. I want to sit down with a set of tasks and systematically get them done. To do this, I have to get help from people who have skills that can help me on my path. I feel lucky that I found Scott Duvall of PDX Hypnotherapy. I originally contacted him for help with weight loss. That part of our work together is ongoing and I will write more about this soon. For now, I want to discuss the results I had using hypnotherapy for focus and attention.
Working with someone who understands the bipolar brain is essential. Natural treatments can make us more ill if the practitioner is not well versed in what it means to have bipolar and how any changes in our lives can lead to mood swings. I was very impressed with Scott’s knowledge of the illness. He made sure I was working with a doctor before he would work with me. This was the professional security I needed. I can’t turn this brain over to anyone!
Hypnotherapy Help for Focus
I had an immediate change in focus after one talking session and one hypnotherapy session with Scott. I went from panic attacks and all kinds of anxiety around work, to sitting down and opening my computer with more ease. It has not been easy, but the results are worth it.
I still struggle due to my mental health and brain injury challenges, but I was able to increase my work load by at least 50% after working with Scott. That is not a typo. I really had quite amazing results. I still listen to our hypnotherapy session when I need a boost to my productivity. My struggles are not over. When you have bipolar and a brain injury as I do, continual help is needed. I fell very lucky that I found Scott Duvall. He is gentle and safe for people with mental health disorders.
I highly recommend hypnotherapy for any focus related struggles including ADD and head injuries. We can change the way our brains work and the way we work as a result. But it takes work on my part as well. I made sure I put myself in a place I could work and can say I went from crying in front of the computer from stress to opening it and getting to work. I still struggle. I still struggle as a person with bipolar and a head injury, but our session changed everything in terms of the anxiety I felt around work. I owe him so much for taking me seriously and asking the right questions during our session.
If you are in the Portland, Oregon area or you would like to work with Scott virtually, please call
503 238-4428