I am offering some free hope…..

Depression sucks everything out of you- but mostly it sucks the hope out of life that you will ever find stability. I want to assure you that no matter what you feel right now- you can feel hope again.  You don’t have to believe me or even do anything about it right now- all you have to do it just keep going.  Julie

3 comments to I am offering some free hope…..

  • Feeling very depressed this morning and came here just to see if you wrote anything new, and there it was. thanks Julie!

  • Terry

    Hi Julie,

    I’m really feeling down, but got out of bed on Sunday for church and today for work. I have that “shell shocked” feeling. There is a Christian song that is on the radio now that has this lyric:

    “You have to face the cloud to find the silver lining”

    That seems very true to me.


    • Hello Terry,

      That is FANTASTIC that you were able to get out of bed for church and work. It makes more sense to actually do things than get upset at yourself for not doing them. It takes less energy to take action than to ruminate all day about what you should have done.

      Action is the best treatment for bipolar disorder. Thanks for the reminder to all of us!
