I want to say thank you for all of the supportive emails and kind words about my books- I am so glad they help so many people.
My health has not been A-OK lately which is why my writing output is limited. But I do promise to get a newsletter out soon! You can go through the blog by topic to get a lot of great tips- there are videos and recordings as well. I will update you on all that is happening in the next few weeks. What matters is that I keep moving forward with my work!
How is your work- how are your relationships? What role is bipolar playing in yourl life? Feel free to send in your stories. I love to read stories on how the Health Cards and my books have changed your life.
Julie, so sorry to hear that you have been ill.
I just bought your book “Loving Someone With Bipolar”. I’m actually the one who has bipolar, but I read it hoping to get some insight on what it’s like to be on the other side, the partner of someone who has bipolar. I got that definitely, but more than that, I got even more insight about my condition, so much recognition on smaller symptoms and triggers that I was not aware of or was unsure were related.
My husband is now reading it, and I’m hoping he will gain a deeper understanding of me and what it’s like to live with bipolar. Thank you so much for a wonderful book!
Take care of yourself…hope you are feeling well again soon.
Thank you for your kind words! I am defintely struggling, but I won’t give up. I will do what it takes to manage this depression- every minute of every day – that is my goal! Julie
This past week and until the 31st I have a car to use, and all the things I wanted to do just crowded my mind, it was very exciting! But then I started having some thoughts and symptoms and went to my treatment cards, and found I was overwhelmed. I need this kind of help to recognize what the name of the problem is, so I can do what I need to do before doing something stupid, like self injury. I let go of some things, slowed down and took a few days not using the car. I am ready to leave the house again instead of the downward spiral I was headed for. Thanks to my Health cards. Thanks to you Julie for being strong enough to create them for all of us!
Hi Julie
do you have your books on audio?
thanks Ric
Not yet- but I will eventually. You can listen to my radio shows on http://www.juliefast.com= they have a lot of great information. Julie