Have you tried this? or This? Or This or That?

Something rather ‘funny’ happened when I recently saw my osteopath today for a hip problem- he had a resident MD with him. My doc explained my situation and then told the resident that I was a well known bipolar disorder writer with seven books, and that I had a tough time with finding ways to help myself. Basically he praised my work and was explaining to the guy that I have it tough sometimes.  Then, the resident started to ask me questions about what I
had tried to treat bipolar- Have you done natural methods? Have you
tried this? That? I know a psychiatrist who knows how to combine
medications and he has had a lot of success. Do you know him?

I tried to explain that yes, I have tried all he is talking about- in fact I write a lot of books on the topic. I am on my 23rd medication- I have worked with top doctors, including my coauthor- but to no avail. He kept on and on as though there was something he knew that I just hadn’t figured out yet.

The truth is, the guy didn’t have a clue what he was talking about because he doesn’t know
me and didn’t try to know me. . I could tell my doctor just wanted to get him out of there. It’s
funny- I wanted to say- “You literally have no idea what you are talking about or you would ask me questions about what I have done that worked or didn’t work- instead of drilling me as though I were too dumb to know how to help myself.  They maybe you could have given me a new direction or idea.”

But I didn’t. This pour soul and his misunderstanding of bipolar! I know, I am snarky.  

My doctors, therapists, coauthors, nurse practitioners, acupuncturists, masseuses, physical therapists and all other health care professionals I have seen in the past few years know I am doing all I can. They understand. You are probably like me- or if you love someone with bipolar – they are probably like me. We try things- we try what we think will work, hope will work, pray will work and then we keep going.

I am going to end this on a positive. I saw my doctor again today for my hip- he was alone- we had a great time and my hip is going to get better.


1 comment to Have you tried this? or This? Or This or That?

  • Laurie Tryck

    What a find. JULIE YOU ROCK! As the Mom of a recently diagnosed ( 10 days ago) Bipolar 19 year old son. I feel so HELPED! Thank you for your efforts about all things Bipolar yada yada yada. Thank you and ATTA GIRL!