My mom is my number one champion in all that I do. She is getting a ‘minor’ surgery today. I once heard that there is no such thing as minor surgery if someone has a knife anywhere near you!
I am here at the hospital working until I will take her home. This is great in one way- I always do better when I have to stay somewhere and can’t roam around because of feeling uncomfortable and all ADHD.
In other ways, it scares me. Do you have bipolar? Have you thought of the people in your life whom you love and what would happen if they were suddenly gone? I think of this all of the time. I am not concerned about my mother today, it really is routine. But I think of how it will be if she dies. Yes, I am honest about it and use the real words and think about it a lot. I have to prepare ahead for the things in life that will tip me into serious mood swings.
Today is an occasion where I think of how I am as a daughter. Would I pass this checklist?
1. I love my mother and show her this by treating her with respect.
2. When she drives me bonkers, I remember that time on this earth is short and a mom driving me bonkers is a good thing!
3. I tell her how much she means to me. Often, I can’t say it in words because I will cry and it’s too painful for me, but I do show her with my actions. Such as being here for her surgery.
4. I am honest about the bipolar and we use my treatment plan together. It saved our relationship.
I can pass this test. My mom has been my constant star and I am thankful. It was not always this way. Relationships ebb and flow. I made the decision to stay here in Portland, Oregon becuase my mother is here. It was a good decision!
Is there someone you love who takes care of you when you’re ill? Have you said thanks lately! Thanks mom!
thanks to all of you who wrote. My mom is fine! Julie
Hi Julie,
I hope your Mom’s surgery went well. I’m in your age group, an only child, my two Parents are my only relatives in this country and I live a long way from them. Not having experienced a lot of loss in my life so far, I’m looking ahead in fear of having to deal with my Parents dying. They both have health issues, and I know I have to be ready for anything at any time (although I probably have them for a long time yet), but it’s so frightening that I just can’t deal with the idea of losing them right now. I feel like this issue is a “Sword of Damocles” hanging over my head, as I know many in our generation feel as well. I’m terrified that I won’t be able to deal with the magnitude of this loss on top of my BP2 issues. The main thing that I’m doing to help myself is looking to find ways of building a bigger, stronger support system, because I’m too isolated right now.
Thank you for your thoughts about being a Daughter. I haven’t exactly been a great one over the last few years. Lots of improvements need to be made in all of my relationships, not just with my Parents. Your words definitely made me think.