Here is a post from Bonnie. I am always looking for positive stories.
Hi Julie,
I just came across your site today. I can relate to your situation. I’m 44 today. Back when I was 17 in 1983, just as I was entering senior high school, I started acting strange. I didn’t want to sleep and I didn’t want to eat. Eventually I was admitted to our local hospital in the mental ward. I was there 2 weeks. I came home but was still not right. I was saying and doing things out of my character. I was becoming delusional. At the end of the year I was admitted to University Hospital in Seattle for about 2 months. It wasn’t until 1986 that I finally was diagnosed with Bi-polar. Back then it was called Manic Depression. I went to a Naturepathic doctor and he put me on a bunch of vitamins and Lithium. I take 300mg twice a day. I have not had an episode since. I will be interested in buying your Health Cards because I’m sure they will help me. I know that I still have Bi-Polar disorder, I just have it under control.
Thanks Bonnie. I sometimes wonder if I will ever get better- to me that means long periods of time without mood swings. That is always my goal. Thanks for reminding us that it’s possible! The name changes in bipolar are interesting: Mania Depression. Bipolar Disorder. Bipolar Affective Disorder, Bipolar Illness – and I just heard bipolarlity!
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I attend a group called Equillibrium for people with mood disorders, There I met many people who have had only one two or just five episodes in their lives, they were quite shocked to hear that as a rapid cycler I can have many mood changes in a day let alone a week as well as mixed episodes, so I believe there are many different levels of bi-polar, i believe in management but I do not believe in a cure.
I have had 2 hospital stays – Just long enough so they could receive insurance (three weeks in my case.) I have had this disorder for almost 30 years and have had little success (SIX or more weeks of depression and only THREE weeks of hypomania.) I have tried most medications, I’m still 6 to 3 for this disorder. I have found the best help comes from deep breathing, hot baths and massage. I recommend to everyone AVOID STRESS and try to find someone to Talk with who will believe and understand You.
Dear Julie,
First of all, I apile like to tell you that I love your blog. Thanks to you I have a better knowledge about this mental illness.
I have a brother, 31 years old that was diagnosed with BIpolar Disorder since he was 23 years old. I am the oldest sister, and since my brother was born, I was 9 years old, I have been taking care of him. My parents were working so as an older sister I had responsibilities for my little brother.
Anyways, we are foreign and back in our country we never heard about his kind of mental illness. I’ve heard about schizophrenia but never bipolar.
I came to the USA in 1995 and I brought my brother with me in 2000. He was living with me and I was taking care of his studies. He lived with me and it is then when I started noticing changes in his personality. It was then in 2004 when he was diagnosed with bipolar.
He has been under different medications, on/off from mental Hospital… He had to go back to our country because I could not afford anymore to pay medical bills. He did not have health insurance here. I still support my family, financially, every month to help them to pay his medication.
However, my brother ha never accepted that he has bipolar and he always refused to take the medication. Only when he spend time at the hospital he takes it.
My parents give him medication (zyprexa) with food so he won’t notice it.
He is doing a little bit better but he does acting normal. He has not been out of the house for about 8 months. The further had gone is until the front yard.
I wish he could read yor blog and get the same information I get from it. I read it all the time to inform my parents what to do when symptom arise. I need advise on how to convince my lovely brother to take the medication and attend therapies.
Please help us:-( I will do anything that is in my power to help my brother and so my parents.
Thank you very much.
Desperate sister:-((
Looking back, I’ve probably been bipolar(mixed)( this was news to me and no one ever discussed this with me) and borderline personality disorder most of my life and I am almost 60. I recently came out of the hospital( a really bad experience) and I’m on two meds. Lithium and Neurontin and I mean a LOT of neurontin and something to sleep at night. I still get really down and feel really worthless. I am closing my hair salon because it is too stressful. That is such a sad thing. It seems there is nothing I can do because everything stresses me out. This seems to never end! I bought a yoga tape and an indoor walking tape, but they are still in the package because I hate doing anything alone…..I know I need to open them and make myself do them but I am just so depressed right now. The neurontin makes me want to eat the house and that’s depressing. I gained 18 pounds in 18 days. I want to be better, but right now it’s pretty yuk. You are right about avoiding STRESS. Life, out there is unbelievably stressful! I don’t qualify for disability because I didn’t work early in my life. So, I feel totally worthless to help my husband and I feel like a burden to him. This is a tough illness. Anyone have any ideas?
Julie Fast is hosting bipolar 101. It is a free coaching program for BPs and families. Call 507-726-4240 The pass to listen is 101311#