Julie A. Fast Partner and Family Coaching: A Conversation Between a Worried Mother and Her Defiant Daughter pt. 2

continued from above post….

Mom: You dad and I are so worried!  Can’t you see what is happening? This isn’t a life. We don’t want this life for your Marcee! You can’t work! We are giving you money just so you can buy food. You have bipolar and need medications. (Starts crying.)

Marcee: If you really want to help me mom, you will leave me alone and just let me do things my way. I will not talk about bipolar disorder. Not everything is about you.  I’ve told you that I’m fine.  Do you think I’m just out there having a great time? I’m thinking about things! If you guys don’t leave me alone, I’m gone.


So many family members have gone through this conversation with someone who is obviously in great need of help. Their loves one’s world is often crumbling around them and for many, not much is left due to the constant mood swings. My goal as a coach is to help family members and partners learn exactly what to do in the above situation and any other situation you experience where your loved one can’t or won’t get help. Things can change. I teach people how to avoid conversations like the one above and learn to communicate very effectively no matter how serious the situation. I then teach family members and partners how help their loved one great treatment.

I am PASSIONATE and COMMITTED to helping you as a parent or partner get treatment for your loved one.

Here is a link to my coaching information. I work exclusively with family members and partners. And I 100% guarantee your situation can get better.


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1 comment to Julie A. Fast Partner and Family Coaching: A Conversation Between a Worried Mother and Her Defiant Daughter pt. 2

  • Les

    This is a very familiar conversation. My daughter has chosen to move away. She has come to visit twice and the conversation either stays very generic or goes as above. As a parent all I want is for her to get the help she needs. On the other hand, there is peace in my house. I’m not sure that there are words I can say. I think she has to make up her mind to get help.