Pt 2..Help for Bipolar Depression: Getting Out of Bed in the Morning

Thanks for all of the great comments on the post below. It’s obvious that getting out of bed (and not getting on the couch) is 100% essential for people with depression. We just can’t lie there.  We just can’t. Or the day will get away from us.  I have a motto.

Beds are for sleeping.

And I stick to it.

Here is a great comment from Rebecca:

” I have learned that the best thing I can do for myself is to get up immediately out of bed, the minute my eyes open…if I stay in bed one more second I become depressed.  This may sound so simple, but it works for me…I get up and make myself a good cup of coffee and then begin my day…I’m on disability, so I have to create my days.  I try to make each day productive in some way…just going to the store is a major event in my life.  Leaving the house makes me feel much better, but making the effort and just doing it is difficult.  Please know that if you keep trying to make your life better it will happen…just find a routine that works for you and take those microsteps!!  Good Luck…. Rebecca

** I have a tip in Get it Done When You’re Depressed called Be Your Own Drill Sargeant. It’s all about getting yourself out of bed with a burst of energy that you sometimes have to manufacture out of thin air!  But it’s there. We can all get out of bed.  You may have to ask for help, but you can get out of bed. I wrote about how hard it was for me yesterday. And then today I just hopped out of bed- my nephew David spent the night and I had such a great reason to get on with my day.


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