Reader Comment
I received such a great email from a reader named Daphne Stevens that I’m posting parts of it on the blog. I think it helps so much for us to see that we all go through the same challenges with this illness. Daphne and I discussed Lamictal and other meds. Here are her comments:
Lamictal, by the way, is my “miracle drug,” too. After two years of trial and error (and a lot of nasty side effects) my doctor and I finally settled on a combination of Lamictal and Seroquel. which levels out both the hypomania and depression. And my depression, while less frequent than hypomania, can be deadly, as you know. Over a lifetime of struggling, I’ve finally learned not to be too afraid of it. I know it will pass, no matter how permanent it feels at the time. Riding it out, being kind to myself, doing what I can, occasionally letting myself collapse into being downright pitiful–it’s part of fighting those nasty lies Depression whispers in our ears.
She is so right! You can visit to read more about her work!