We have to learn an entirely new language when bipolar disorder comes into our lives.
Here is some very basic information:
There are two types of bipolar disorder: Bipolar one and Bipolar two. The difference between the two is mania.
Bipolar One: Those diagnosed with bipolar I (one) experience depression along with full blown mania.
70% of these full blown manic episodes involve psychosis ..and hospitalization is common, especially during a first episode. (The age of this episode is usually teens to early 20s.)
Biopolar Two: Those with bipolar II (two) have depression with a milder form of mania called hypomania. Hypomania is milder than full blown mania, but can still be very destructive financially, sexually, in the work place and for all relationships.
All forms of mania can be destructive in a very short amount of time, especially if a person makes a life changing decision when ill.
Rapid Cycling: If a person has four or more mood swings a year, they receive a rapid cycling diagnosis. (Four or more! Some of us have four or more a week!)
It’s personal: Each person has their own mood swings cycle which is why an individual management plan is so essential- but it’s rarely possible to successfully manage moodswings without some good meds.
The mood swings can come out of nowhere and slam through life with little warning. True!
Gosh, is there any good news!
Yes, if you know what type of bipolar disorder you have- Bipolar I or Bipolar II- you will know whether you’re dealing with full blown mania or hypomania. People with Bipolar I usually get hypomanic before going into the full blown mania. This is especially imporant info for family, friends, health care professionals and partners. You have to know the signs of the mild mania so it never goes too far.
The stonger the management plan, the better control you can have on the mania! I use my Bipolar Health Cards to keep my life on track. But… the mood swings are still a common companion! We just have to keep going. Onward!
Hi Julie. Thank you so much for great information as usual. Your book “Loving Someone With Bipolar” has became my bible in the last year since I met and fell in love with my significant other. A couple months into our relationship we had a huge melt down where he was experiencing what seemed at the time like all of his bipolar symptoms expolding all at once. It was to say the least terrifying. A lot of relationships may have been destoryed by this but he reached out to me. That lead to the book and the journals we now each keep. A year later things have seemed to get better. I’m pregnant (12 weeks!) and we have had so much excitement between us. Unfortunately pregnancy has ran we down some and left me tired and often irritable which I know is frustrating for him. This past weekend he cheated on me. So I’m turning back to blogs and websites and articles and everything I can for help. I don’t know if his cheating has anything to do with bipolar but in the last year I’ve learned EVERYTHING has to do with bipolar. Anyway thank you for the inspiring insight as always!
HI I am suffering majorly from bipolar. I have 4 children and a single mom with bipolar and I have no medical insurance to help with this. They diagnosed me bipolar several years ago and I tried medication but it made me sleepy all the time almost to the point of not being able to function at all ever with 4 kids that isnt possible I have no support systemat all from family or friends. I get so scared sometimes that I will be the next crazy person in the news for losing my mind. I hardly ever sleep and am tired or literally sick all the time. I freak out and yell at my kids alot and I am extremely controlling when it comes to everyday activities like house work. I was wondering if there is some way I can get free help with dr app. or medication maybe even therapy cause I am completely lost in what to do I cant keep a job because everytime I get stressed I run away so to speak as in I will make up excuses to not go back. I feel over preasured anxiety I guess is the word. I used to never be like that I remember a time when I was happy all the time free spirited with tons of friends and a wonderful life but it seems to have spiraled out of control I guess. And I know its me I keep trying to pin point my triggers and it seems to be everything. and I just want to cry most of time because I want to be better for myself and for my children and have no idea how. If you can please help me or send me where I can get some help I would be forever greatful.