things I can do….
I can EAT. I can talk with friends- play with my nephew and see my friends.
I can even feel ok.
But at the same time- I find it almost impossible to work. It’s so odd how bipolar disorder affects me. My friends will say,
“Julie! We all have trouble working sometimes.’ If you have bipolar disorder, you will hear this a lot. People don’t really understand that it’s so different when you can’t work because of bipolar disorder. I literally feel like I’m being pulled apart inside. One part of me wants and needs to work- the other part is doing everything possible to make it difficult. My brain is in what I call the civil war. It’s a fight. Sometimes this is so hard I end up spending much more time trying to work than actually working! but I don’t let it stop me. I will keep fighting so that I can do the work that improves my future.
If you care about someone with bipolar who has trouble working- you can go to the menu on the right and check the work button to read all about my terrific troubles with work! It’s a normal symptom of the illness. We have to learn how to get around it.