reader comments

Wow, I’ve had some great blog comments lately. They are so appreciated. I read them all.  There is a small icon above each post- if there is a comment, a number appears beside the icon.

 Of course, I want to answer all of the comments, but this is pretty impossible. I’m finding it hard to work these days, but I will keep going! And I will respond to comments when possible.

I saw a great movie tonight called In the Shadow of the Moon. I mention it because it was hopeful and uplifting. We need that! Julie

2 comments to reader comments

  • Suzi

    He sent me to a neurologist. He said that because my sleep apnea was not severe, I probably didn’t have to use a CPAP machine but a dental appliance would suffice. But if I really wanted to get the problem fixed I should go to Stanford Univ. and have my jaw realigned which involves breaking the jaw, realigning it and wiring it shut for 6 weeks or more. He admitted that this was very painful & expensive procedure and my insurance would probably not cover it. I have put this advice on the back burner. He told me to stop taking Tylenol & Bufferin for my headaches and prescribed 20mgs of Amitriptyline (Elavil) which is an anti-depressant at night for my headaches. I had an MRI of the brain done in early August. I have tried calling the neurologist for the results and to get an earlier appointment than October 7, but cannot get anyone to call me back. I finally called the lab that did the MRI and they sent the results of the report. There are some strange things observed in my brain that I would like to discuss with him. After seeing the new Internist in late July, he upped the dosage of my blood pressure medications, gave me a B12 injection and then went on vacation for 3 weeks. I couldn’t get the lab to give me the results of the tests so I called and made an appointment with my Endocrinologist and they were able to obtain the results. I have hypoglycemia. This diagnose was obtained from a glucose tolerance test ordered by my Internist. When I look online at all the symptoms of hypoglycemia, I have almost all of them, many of which are symptoms of bipolar. The endocrinologist has ordered more tests and I have an appointment next week with her dietician. I have had a multi-nodule goiter for many years but my thyroid tests have always been barely in the low normal range bordering on hypothyroidism. The endocrinologist is also sending me to a surgical endocrinologist for another round of ultrasounds and another biopsy for possible removal of half of my thyroid. My headaches are better but they have moved from my left forehead to the sides of my head around the temples, not as severe but aching/throbbing. My new Internist will be back from vacation next week and I have an appointment. I also have an appointment with my Psychiatrist who had suggested a month ago that since I had so many problems, I should probably go to the Mayo Clinic. I thought this was a great idea until I found out they do not accept my insurance.
    Sorry for the long dissertation. My question is: Are there many people with bipolar who have also been diagnosed with hypoglycemia?

  • Suzi

    I have wanted to tell you for some time how much I appreciate your health cards, books, website, etc. I am a 60 year old woman who was officially diagnosed as bipolar II with rapid cycling & depression three years ago. I have been on just about every anti-depressant and bipolar medication. The only combo that seemed to work was Geodon & Cymbalta, although I just felt rather numb but no highs or lows. My friends & family thought it strange that I didn’t talk. They thought I was depressed again. No, I was just ambling through life with no feelings but did manage to get done the bare necessities of living. Then it was discovered on a routine CT exam to check on the size of a previously diagnosed splenic artery aneurysm that I had an enlarged liver. A biopsy was ordered which concluded that I had an enlarged fatty liver. Some of the rare side effects of Geodon & Cymbalta are enlarged fatty liver. The Gastroenterologist suggested to my Psychiatrist that I try another medication. I went on Seroquel & Bupropion. So for the next six months all I did was sleep & eat. I gained 30lbs, something you are not supposed to do with a fatty liver. I tried Abilify—couldn’t stop shaking. I tried Lamictal and got terrible headaches & muscle aches, so debilitating that I could hardly get out of bed. I stopped that but the headaches came back with a vengeance and I even had one more bad round of muscle aches. I began to think this might be from the Lipitor which I had been on for many years. I stopped that and no more muscle aches. I went to my Internist and he said that was ridiculous and to continue taking the Lipitor which I did. The muscle aches returned. I asked the Internist about my headaches and high blood pressure. He said not to worry about the high blood pressure and have a sleep disorder study done. I did this. They thought I might have mild sleep apnea and noted that I appeared to have a seizure during my sleep. I went back for a second night and they held me down & strapped this CPAP machine over my nose & I couldn’t breathe probably because I am a mouth breather. So they tried a full face machine which triggered an immediate claustrophobic reaction. I tried that for 4 hours and couldn’t take it any more. The final report said I had mild to moderate sleep apnea and should order one of their CPAP machines which I did not do. I noticed that the report from my four hours with the CPAP machine did not record any deep sleep which is the same as my report from the first night without the machine. I researched on the Internet that most people with sleep apnea cannot adjust to the CPAP machines and that there are dental devices which can be used. There is one certified dentist in the state of Arizona for this type of appliance. Unfortunately, she is 2 1/2 hours away. When I feel better and can make the drive, I will make an appointment. In the mean time, my headaches were worse than ever. My internist was no help and seemed angry that I was wasting his time. I found a new Internist who seemed generally interested in my well being and ordered some new tests. He sent me to a neurologist. He said that because my sleep apnea was not severe, I probably didn’t have to use a CPAP machine but a dental appliance would suffice. But if I really wanted to get the problem fixed I should go to Stanford Univ. and have my jaw realigned which involves breaking the jaw, realigning it and wiring it shut for 6 weeks or more. He admitted that this was very painful & expensive procedure and my insurance would probably not cover it. I have put this advice on the back burner. He told me to stop taking Tylenol & Bufferin for my headaches and prescribed 20mgs of Amitriptyline (Elavil) which is an anti-depressant at night for my headaches. I had an MRI of the brain done in early August. I have tried calling the neurologist for the results and to get an earlier appointment than October 7, but cannot get anyone to call me back. I finally called the lab that did the MRI and they sent the results of the report. There are some strange things observed in my brain that I would like to discuss with him. After seeing the new Internist in late July, he upped the dosage of my blood pressure medications, gave me a B12 injection and then went on vacation for 3 weeks. I couldn’t get the lab to give me the results of the tests so I called and made an appointment with my Endocrinologist and they were able to obtain the results. I have hypoglycemia. This diagnose was obtained from a glucose tolerance test ordered by my Internist. When I look online at all the symptoms of hypoglycemia, I have almost all of them, many of which are symptoms of bipolar. The endocrinologist has ordered more tests and I have an appointment next week with her dietician. I have had a multi-nodule goiter for many years but my thyroid tests have always been barely in the low normal range bordering on hypothyroidism. The endocrinologist is also sending me to a surgical endocrinologist for another round of ultrasounds and another biopsy for possible removal of half of my thyroid. My headaches are better but they have moved from my left forehead to the sides of my head around the temples, not as severe but aching/throbbing. My new Internist will be back from vacation next week and I have an appointment. I also have an appointment with my Psychiatrist who had suggested a month ago that since I had so many problems, I should probably go to the Mayo Clinic. I thought this was a great idea until I found out they do not accept my insurance.
    Sorry for the long dissertation. My question is: Are there many people with bipolar who have also been diagnosed with hypoglycemia?