The results are very interesting. Before you vote and read the results- what symptoms do you think would be more difficult:
I chose the wrong one. Interesting.
Regarding the bipolar disorder symptoms poll belowThe results are very interesting. Before you vote and read the results- what symptoms do you think would be more difficult: Mania or] Depression? I chose the wrong one. Interesting. julie 5 comments to Regarding the bipolar disorder symptoms poll below |
The health information contained herein is provided for general education purposes only. This site should not be seen as a substitute for an official diagnosis or for professional health care. Copyright © 2025 Julie A. Fast - All Rights Reserved - Site by Emanuel Sferios Powered by WordPress & Atahualpa |
My vote would be for dysphoria…..the one I have the most.
Hi Cyclothymic Goddess,
Greetings from the rapid cycling goddess!
I completely understand what you mean about dysphoric (agitated) mania. I just went through a six week off and on episode and it was miserable.
Hi Julie:
As a mother of a daughter with ultra rapid cycling BPII, I too voted for mania. Dysphoric manic episodes must be terrible. Almost all of my daughters manic episodes are dysphoric. I don’t understand them, but when I see that she is having one, I feel really bad becsuse she is so uncomfortable and agitated. Thank God (and you) for the Health Cards – they have been a life-saver 🙂
My family has the hardest time with the depression. I go into a deep pit and am very suicidal.
Hi Julie
A cold welcome from South Africa!!
My choice was Depression, I do have my mania episodes but i have to check my depression more, my depression can sometime spiral to extreme violent outbursts. I’m also bp2. Funny enough, I’ve been stuck in a manic mode for the last week and I’m surviving on 1-2 hours sleep a day at this stage… but the reason for this is that my husband is leaving to go work in Eritria Africa which is close to Egypt, and my sister and myself opened a new creative arts and crafts studio AND if that is not enough, my son which is now 3 has asma and from the beginning of this year he has been ill on and off with bronchitus, and offcoarse the week that my husband leaves, he’s horrible ill with another dose of Bronchitus… so at this stage it feels as if Im slipping between hypomania and depression at this stage, I have this crushing sadness mixed with the energy that keeps a race horse going… The medisyne I am on for the BP2 is Venlor 150mg, and Epitec 200mg a day, with my sleeping tablets offcoarse which my docter upped the dose to something very strong to force my body to sleep, and then aswell I do also drink Seroqoul 25 to relax me at night when I get home… My husband is leaving Monday 14Aug, and my heart is broken hes my best friend and it feels that my semi stable world is going to be pulled out from under me!! So my vote would really be Depression, because I can’t breathe under that crushing weight of sadness, the feeling of the life is draining out of you but your to stunned to do anything about it so you just stand and watch how the life flows out of you and your to numb to do anything, to scared to move for something else to go wrong.. My Hypomania stages are sometimes a real rollercoaster, sometimes even funny now that I atleast know what the hell is happening with be before I was diagnosed I trully believed I was going mad, which in fact didn’t bother me that much, all the best artist in history went mad eventually anyway!! haha
Anyways I’ll keep chatting for hours, thanx for all that you do for us “crazy” ones,youre a real comfort!!
Sue from the Zoo