7 Ways You Can Help if I’m Having a Euphoric Bipolar Mania Episode

The Health Cards Help Prevent and Manage Mania

Help Your  Friends and Family Help You Manage Bipolar Mania

Here are just a few of the tips included in the Mania Section in my Health Cards Treatment System.  The cards create a list of all of my mania symptoms and what the people who care about me can do when they see that I’m starting to get manic.  It’s my responsibility to tell the people around me how they can help. It’s not innate for them! 

1- Know the signs and symptoms of what you see when I start to get manic.

2- Remind me that I wanted you to tell me if I seem to be too excited.

3- Do not match my behavior. In other words, if I say let’s go drink some hard cider and it’s 3PM, it’s a sign! 😉

4- Be consistent with your help.  Don’t let me convince you it is ok. Oh wow, this mania will lie and lie!

5- Hand me my Health Cards Treatment System and tell me I might want to read the mania pages.  Even now the Health Cards work for me and I started mine 15 years ago. 

6- Notice if I am spending money excessively and remind me that is a sign of mania. I will get mad at you and say I’m fine, but I will hear you and do what I need to do.

7- Call my doctor if things get out of hand.  She will call me to see what is going on.  I always listen to her.

 Please know that these manic episodes are very embarrassing for me.  I hate not seeing they are catching me once again- as I am the one who writes books!  But they can happen to any of us at any time and they are so very sneaky!

 I’m able to manage my bipolar mania much more sucessfully since I have educated those around me how to help me. 

You can do the same. The Health Cards are a system that works.  I’m proof that life can be positive.


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