What is so great about lamictal for bipolar disorder depression?

Here is the link to one of my most popular posts.   You may notice that I write a lot about Lamictal on this blog. I’m not someone who believes in drugs only- but I do know that of all of the drugs on the market for bipolar disorder – this is the best depression drug used today.  It’s always a risk for people with bipolar disorder to take anti depressants such as Prozac or Zoloft as they have a high risk of mania if not used with a strong dose of a mood stabilizer. I believe that my constant rapid cycling is due to the 10+ antidepressants I was put on the first three years after my diagnosis.

Lamictal is a much, much safer drug  for those with bipolar disorder and has relatively few side effects- the link below explains more about the side effects that can be worrisome as well as the stories on how great the drug can be when it works.

I say that Lamictal takes away 50% of my bipolar disorder symptoms- and the rest are up to me. 


Click here to read more.

2 comments to What is so great about lamictal for bipolar disorder depression?

  • millicent

    Like most of us, I have been on a range of mood stabilizers for rapid cycling BP type 2. Prior to Lamictal, I was on Zonegran. It was fine until I was prescribed calcium supplements for my fractures. Zonegran can cause kidney stones in a small part of the population. I was one of those and required surgery after the second bout. We eliminated the calcium and the Zonegran; no recurrence of stone formation. That is when the Lamictal was trialed. I am currently at 200mg, so there is “wiggle room”. I did have to add Celexa last year for breakthrough depression. The Lamictal has evened the overall swings as much as I believe anything will. I have become convinced that for me, the best I will get is to dampen the oscillations. Hitting the “sweet spot” between up and down will last maybe an hour, if I am lucky. Howevever, if the tops and bottoms are minimized, it is easier to not get stuck in the extremes. Plus, the transition doesn’t feel like such a runaway rollercoaster. For the moment, Lamictal is the answer. I just dread the day that it stops doing the trick for me. I have gone through the usual list of stabilizers. I also need the seizure protection, since I have a history of grand mals. Fortunately, I don’t get full blown mania or psychosis. Anti-convulsants are the ticket. Maybe big pharma will develop a couple of new ones for future needs. Seizure patients certainly hope so.

    Thanks for the encouragement 🙂

  • Rene

    I am sure that most of us can say easily we hate the side effects we need to endure while taking our medications. I need some assistance and advice with the weight gain aspect of lithium. Not only do I take Lithium, I also take Neurontin, Lexapro, Lamictal and the doctor just added Abilify. I am giving Abilify a one month trial since I am not sure I want to add another medication to my already full regime of pills. The thing that is killing me is the weight gain. I gained 12 lbs in one year of lithium. I am exercising alot and goined Weight Watchers and the weight is barely budging. Has anyone found a solution to work around this problem? I am so nervous about being on Abilify….more weight gain potential, plus blood sugar problems. So far, it’s made me feel more flat, less mood swings, but I am not sure if it’s too flat..I don’t want to be numbed out. I am trying to cope with the added weight but it’s getting to me. Please give me your advice on this..is there a special diet we need to be on?
    Thanks a million for your help!