The Free Bipolar 101 Call Recording is Now Available.

Yes! The free recording of the excellent and fun Bipolar Disorder 101 coaching call is here.
Please click  ‘Free Bipolar 101 Call’ on the menu tab for more information. Make sure you listen with the phone below! 🙂


7 comments to The Free Bipolar 101 Call Recording is Now Available.

  • Cee

    I loved your bipolar 101 call. I learned a lot. I was wondering if you could discuss bipolar NOS and the concept of a bipolar spectrum in one of your calls, or if that is not possible, then in one of your blogs. I was diagnosed with bipolar NOS and can’t find much information about it. Thanks. I am looking forward to hearing more of your calls. What a great service this is to everyone with BP.

    • Hello Cee,

      I have great news. A friend of mine just happens to be one of the top experts on NOS/Soft/Spectrum bipolar disorders in the world. His name is Dr. Jim Phelps. Here is his site. It has more information on the topic than in any book or website I’ve seen.


      PS: please let me know what you think. If there is a particular section you think I could highlight on the blog- just let me know! Julie

  • Here is a link to one of Dr. Phelps’ articles on ‘soft bipolar.’

    Thanks for bringing up this topic- my bipolar is so traditional that I often forget to write about all of the other types of bipoar out there!

    I’m glad you liked the call. Coaching calls for parents are coming soon and then a call on surviving the holidays! for those of us with bipolar.


  • Cee

    Thanks so much Julie, Dr Phelps’ site is wonderful. It sounds so much more like me. When I get done reading it all I will let you know what sections you might want to highlight on your blog. I think it is very important to address this topic. It has been very discouraging for me to come to terms with my diagnosis because every time I would read something about BP it didn’t sound like my experience. I kept reading articles where they say BP is being overdiagnosed, the mental illness of the week, so to speak. It is bad enough to go through the pain and difficulty of coping with this disorder without feeling like a fraud on top of it. I know your site is a wonderful resource for people with this illness and I think it is important to get the word out on this aspect of it. Keep up with your great work.

  • Cee

    All the information was very interesting, but the two sections I found most helpful were: Soft Bipolarity: Soft signs of Bipolar Disorder and the one called Mixed States and Rapid Cycling. There was also a “Bipolarity Index” that laid out the soft signs in a chart format. I ended up with a score of 65 on that one. I was happy to hear you mention dysphoric hypomania in your call. That is what I experience as hypomania the vast majority of the time instead of the euphoria that is usually talked about. One thing to mention is that just because the diagnosis is bipolar NOS, that doesn’t make it any less painful than the other types of bipolar. Cycling back and forth between depression and dysphoric hypomania is no fun at all.

  • Rachael Humphries

    Hi Julie,
    I also loved the Coaching Call and was wondering if it would be available to download rather than listen to again on the phone. I live in Australia and would like to listen to it a couple of more times as well as get my mum and husband to listen to it as they were out when the call was on. I can’t really afford to call every time I want to listen to it again. Thanks again, it was really great.


    • Hello Rachael,

      All of those who joined the live coaching call will receive a personal MP3 to download. You can then send the link to your family members, etc. The files will be ready next week! Julie