Check out our beautiful guest bloggers. They are amazing!

Dawn....Guest Blogger  

 You can read more about the guest bloggers when you click on the guest bloggers category to the right. Their stories are impressive!

3 comments to Check out our beautiful guest bloggers. They are amazing!

  • Craig Brewer

    I have Bipolar Disorder, and it generally manifests itself in
    Chronic Irritation. Thankfully, I have had a few Euphoric episodes
    of Mania, maybe a Gift from God, but the majority were irritated,
    anti-social ones. I was diagnosed in 1990, and now 21 years later,
    I still lose my balance now and then. It is at these times when I must re-check my Med-Dosings, check in with my Counselor, and let my Psychiatrist know I’m a little “sick”. Not CRAZY…..just sick. When changes are occuring, however, it important to back away a bit to regroup. Saves friendships, I can tell you that.

    • Maureen

      Dear Craig,
      I can surely relate to your post above, about chronic Irritation, i have never suffered this ‘part’ of bipolar before, from diagnosis 9yrs ago, until now, and it was something my Mum did that sparked it all off, and here I am over a month later and still paying for it.
      It made me get very angry, cross, just was plain irritating to others im sure.
      I hate myself for being this way, and tend to loose the plot with such things and bash and bang them until I hurt myself then I call it quits, I guess its another way really of self harming.
      There doesnt seem to be any let up of it either.
      Ive had to have my med reviewed and taken off anti depressants onto a mood stabilizer.
      And plus I hate myself so very badly for holding it all together.

  • Paula Bostrom

    Are you accepting guest bloggers at this time?