Hi Julie,
I am going to court tomorrow, and I have been a mess, shakey, anxious, and frustrated at everybody around me. I feel like everything someone says is just irritating and worthless to me. I don’t’ want to around anybody, but I know that is not healthy for me. I have been getting worse all week leading up to this stressful situation. I am worried that I am going to have a full blown depression episode. I cannot concentrate and am having trouble sleeping.
Hi Colby,
Isn’t it amazing what stress can do to our bodies and minds… I would be stressed too. It hits us harder- that’s for sure. It’s amazing that you are aware of your anger and frustration- this means you can keep it from ruining relationships and getting you into trouble. I was majorly irritated yesterday and even yelled at a friend- I felt terrible and then realized that is not the real me and I have to manage myself better. I suggest that you have a mantra to say the rest of the day. I am angry because I am stressed and I have bipolar disorder. I will NOT take this out on other people. They are not the problem. I will NOT ruin relationships. I have made it through many tough things and I will make it through this. I know when the court session is over I will feel differently. I can do this and I will. Now, what do I need to do right now to feel better.
I talk to myself like this constantly- even with the stress is overwhleming. The truth is that you can’t get out of the court situation, so you might as well use it as a learning experience to see how well you can manage the anger. If I can keep myself from punching a wall- you can too!!! 🙂
Hi, Colby!
I hope your court date goes much better than the days preceding it. I am so impatient when I’m waiting for something – like sitting in a dentist’s office. Gosh, I just want to get it OVER with! And I realize anticipating a court date is far more critical than a measly dental appointment!
I hope you can write back and tell us how you are once the court session is over. Good luck!
Hi Colby,
This sounds soo frustrating. I know I also struggle with irritation, frustration, anger and impatience. I read a book this summer…not pertaining to bipolar, but to anger itself, and it was amazing. Anger is something that almost everyone struggles with, because we have a perception that it is wrong, so don’t deal with what’s making us angry, often try and pretend we aren’t or ignore what’s actually making us angry. Anyway, for anyone interested it is called “The Dance of Anger” by Harriet Lerner, and I highly recommend it.