Inspirational, Funny and Educational Podcasts

Did you know you can download free podcasts from Itunes that are very helpful in all areas? A reader commented yesterday that listening to sports radio made him happier than listening to the news these days. I agree! If you love sports, the Dan Patrick Radio Show podcast is hilarious. And free! I literally can laugh for three hours when I listen to the show – and all of the biggest names in US sports are interviewed regularly. If sports are not your thing, there are weight loss podcasts, prosperity podcasts, spiritual and language podcasts!

 All free. Ipods are certainly not the only way to get this great information. Most people have their podcasts on a website. You can also listen to live streaming radio. Believe it or not, I listen to Dan Patrick before bed every night. It’s so great to laugh before sleeping.

Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me (very funny) and Fresh Air interviews with Terri Gross are amazing as well. There are also political and spiritually oriented podcasts such as Dave Ramsey on money or Marianne Williamson on spiritual miracles. Podcasts are great for walking! It’s endless entertainment and education.

If you want to create your own podcast, you can download a recording program at It’s super easy to use and  many make the recording using the mic on their computer! This program turns your recording into a file you can then send to itues or put on your blog. There is free information on the web on how to do this!

1 comment to Inspirational, Funny and Educational Podcasts

  • peter


    I’m a fan of your work and a facilitor of the Work of Byron Katie. I’m wondering if you’ve ever tried this way of working with what you call ‘untrue thoughts’. I’d be glad to work with you using it, free of charge,by phone, because I’ve learned alot from you for the mere price of a couple of books!; or I could point you to other facilitators (can’t guarantee their rates!) I have gained alot from the Work–more than any other modality where troublesome thoughts are concerned. Thanks for listening.

    Hello Peter,

    Believe it or not- I have a Byron Katie CD on my dining room table! I guess this means I will have to listen to it tonight. I may not have listened to it- as it’s due at the library- but now I will! Thanks, I needed a good idea today. Julie