Group Coaching Call for Partners of People
with Bipolar Disorder
- “When I went into this relationship there were two people, now bipolar disorder makes it feel like there are three.”
Does bipolar disorder negatively affect your relationship? You’re not alone if it does. Bipolar disorder is notorious for creating relationship problems. It’s also easy for you to get lost when a partner is ill.
Are you interested in the following topics?
- Communicating with your partner during mood swings.
- Sex. (Just one word and yet so complicated!)
- The complex world of medications.
- Lack of insight or refusal of the diagnosis.
- An end to caretaking.
- Successful bipolar disorder management.
Then this coaching call is for you. Whether your relationship is doing well, but you need more bipolar disorder tips or your relationship is currently controlled by the ups and downs of the illness, I will show you how to improve your relationship forever. The calls will also answer these questions:
- Will my partner get better?
- Is bipolar disorder going to ruin our relationship?
- Will my partner ever accept the bipolar disorder diagnosis?
- Will my partner ever learn to manage this illness successfully?
- Will my partner find the right medications?
- When will my life be important too?
About the calls: There are two calls in the series. The first focuses on the problems, challenges and questions you, as a partner may have about bipolar disorder. The second call is 100% focused on strategies you can use to create a loving and stable relationship.
These calls are personal advice and strategies for immediate use from someone who knows exactly what you’re going through. My goal is to help you create a relationship that is based on love and serenity and not one focused on bipolar disorder mood swings.
Never forget. Knowing how to help your partner is not innate. It helps to learn proven strategies from someone who has been on both sides.
If you have worked with me or currently work with me as a coaching client, these calls are a great refresher. If you are new to my work, welcome!
Ordering details are below.
2-Part Coaching Call for Partners- $97
Two Tuesdays: June 5th and June 12, 2012.
5:30 PM Pacific Time (8:30 PM East Coast)
Hi Julie, can a sister be a partner?
Hello Lori,
By partner- I mean a romantic partner. It’s such a different relationship. A sister is a family member. I coach family members and partners, but not those with the illness. Thanks for your question! Julie
Thanks to everyone for your questions. There are spaces left for the call. I so look forward to sharing ideas with everyone! Julie
Here are answers to some of the questions I have received:
Yes, the call will work even if you are separated at this time.
I will talk some about children.
Yes, sexual side effects from medications will be discussed!
The calls are going to be fantastic- we need this information! Julie
is it true that medication can affect the libido.. my girlfriend says the medication has affected her libido and she thinks it is because her anti-depressant was doubled and I feel very rejected… How can this be overcome.. Can she take anything else to boost her desire intimacy.
Does this mostly cover BP1 or BP2? My wife has been diagnosed as BP2, and we have been in counciling which has helped. I’m interested in tips, remedies for irrational thoughts and concerns.
I was manic and slept with another man while I was in a relationship. Can this ever be fixed? Or should I just move on? Yes, I want to spend my life with him, but he doesn’t understand why I did what I did.
Hi Erica,
I have Bipolar Disorder and the meds greatly affect my Lipido. Its always been a sore spot in my relationship. Its getting better now, as certain meds will not cause this problem. But Anti depressants cause terrible trouble in this area. I feel really guilty about my lack of desire. I am on a low dose of anti d now and it has really helped. It just takes time but you will both get there, try be patient even though its hard and dont take it personally. Its not you!!!! Kind Regards, Vicki