I just read my newsletter- the one under this post. I learned a lot!
Yes, this sounds a bit odd- but it makes sense as the newsletters are a message from the well me to the ill me. They remind me that bipolar disorder is an illness and that no matter what I go though, I can bounce back. In 1999, I had few friends and was truly miserable in that area. Wanting more friends- like the friends I had before I got so ill, was an impetus for creating the Health Cards. This newsletter reminds me of how much work I’ve done to have happy people in my life. I can rely on them when I get sick.
PS: There is a button on the right under the relationship topic that will take you to all of the blogs on relationships! Also, you can read more about my books by clicking the Julie’s books button at the top of this page. You can also add this blog to an RSS feed on the upper right. This will send my blog to a folder in your email service when I post a new one!
nice site this bipolarhappens.com excellent to see you have what I am actually looking for here and this this post is exactly what I am interested in. I shall be pleased to become a regular visitor 🙂
Maybe you can help? I’m bipolar and on medicare trying to get a psychiatrist in the San Jose, CA area and am having a hard time finding someone. Do you happen to know someone in this area? Thank you.
Your books, blogs, podcasts have been such a help to me. But I am suffering now and finding it hard to keep going. How do you convince yourself that you have worth and deserve happiness. My husband of 28 years has filed for divorce and is having an affair. I feel throw away and the hurt is so overwhelming I wonder if I will ever feel good again. To add insult to injury, I quit my job after I found out about his affair and tried to overdose on 10-31-08. I ended up in ICU for 4 days. I was so disappointed in myself. I have 3 sons ages 27, 25, 18 and they did not come to see me while I was in the hospital. That really hurt. So I am wondering what do I hang on to now?? My father-in-law had a heart attack this morning and all the boys have been to the hospital to see him but why was I not worth a visit? Their grandfather is not a nice man. There are no “warm, fuzzies” from him. He is arrogant, self-centered and egotistical and yet the boys visited him but not me??? I sat alone on Christmas waiting for the boys to come. They went to their grandparents first and I just feel so forgotten, disposable. I have admired the advice you have given others and have read your books but tonight the hurt is overwhelming and I wonder why I survived?? I am sorry this got so long winded. Thanks for all you do. Deb