Why is it so hard to just do a one hour presentation?
I am going to the Oregon coast tomorrow to talk with law enforcement agents about bipolar disorder. I have always wanted to do this- so it should be exciting right? Well, if you have bipolar disorder you know that the one hour presentation is not the problem- it’s the stress of thinking about all of the planning that has to go into it! I have to meet a friend who is driving me to the coast. This means I have to get there at a specific time. What if I can’t sleep? In fact, I know I will not be able to get to sleep on my own. When should I take my Ativan? Will I get enough sleep as I tend to wake up too early when I travel.
Where are my books? Do I have copies in my car? No. That means I have to go to my book distributer and get a few. Do I have postcards that advertise my books? Yes. They go in my car.
I have my friend’s address. I have to write it down so that I can use my GPS to get there. Will we make it to the coast on time? Of course we will- but my mind still worries about it! We are meeting a wonderful friend for dinner. But what time will we get back? I will miss so much work time! (Of course I would not be working at dinner time anyway!)
OMG! Is this ridiculous or what? ! I will love giving the presentation – I always do. The police were extremely important in helping me get my partner Ivan into the hospital in 1994. It will be a pleasure and honor to speak to them and help them understand this illness more.
I will be fine- but it always amazes me how travel does this to those of us with bipolar. So if you care about someone with this illness- you now know that we are not weird- it happens to the best of us!
I have a plan to take care of all of this and will keep you posted on the people I meet!
Hey Julie!
You’re going to be great! The two times I’ve seen you here in Eugene you’ve been fantastic – you will be nothing short of that this time. I have learned so much from you about my illness and it helps so much to know that I’m not on my own and I’m not just being weird. Thanks so much for just being you and sharing!
– Melissa –
I wondered if you had any advice you could give on finding a qualified counselor in a particular area. We obviously need someone qualified to help and counsel on bipolar disorder. Any thoughts. We are having a rough time finding just what we need. What qualifications do you think are best based on your experience? Any help or direction would be AWESOME!