Sunday night- finally feeling more stable….

I went to the wedding of an old flame of mine yesterday. Believe me- seeing someone get married is a wonderful thing- but it can be a rather depressing thing when you’re already depressed- and you’re seeing an ex look so happy! (Depression makes a person very selfish! )

My downswing from last Thursday has continued off and on. The secret is to keep doing exactly what you would do if you were NOT depressed. That is what keeps me going. I drove to Seattle from Portland- met a dear friend and went with her to the wedding. My mom came with me on the trip- so that was nice. And all the time- I was sad and depressed on the inside – and trying hard to be normal on the outside. I did a really good job which means that I actually did have a lot of good times on the trip!

 It is possible to over ride depression and have a good time for at least a few hours. When it comes back- you have to remind yourself it’s an illness.  There is a kind of sadness that you feel when someone you love moves on- and then there is depression – they are very different. Sadness is real- it has a cause- it has feelings related to the situation- it’s normal.

Depression is unrealistic- it blows the situation out of proportion- it lies! I can deal with sadness and examine my feelings as they are real-   but I must always say no to depression.

 It’s Sunday night and I feel the best I have felt since getting so sick on Thursday. It’s possible to deal with depression – it just takes time and a plan. I plan to have a good day tomorrow.

I hope that your mood swings are in control- and I hope that if you love someone with this illness – you can learn from my story that it’s very treatable!


1 comment to Sunday night- finally feeling more stable….

  • C

    Glad you are feeling better Julie!

    hi C.

    Thank you! I woke up ok. I was in bed and examined my mood and said- yipee. I can finally get something done !Julie