Hello! I would appreciate your help with my research regarding bipolar disorder and college attendance.
In my recent blog for BP Magazine, I ask the question: Do you think that people with bipolar disoder go to college more often than the general population? Interesting question! I present my personal research and then ask for your opinion.
Please click here to read the post. The comments after the post are priceless! Please feel free to add your own. Thousands of people read the blog and all tell me that the comments are as important as the blog itself.
PS: If you don’t have bipolar disorder, I’d still very much like your opinion as it will be from a different perspective.
PSS: The picture is a spring time photo of The University of Washington. I finally got my English degree from UW in 1990. It was my fourth college- and I graduated eight years after I first went to college at age 18. Oh, if I had known about the bipolar then! You may have a similar school story about yourself or someone you care about.
– If you don’t have a subscription to BP Magazine, you’re missing out on some great stuff such as my column!
I started college in 1980 and was in full mania my first year. Joined a fraternity right away, drank too much, did too many drugs, had risky sex too often, and dropped out a year later. It was 20 years before I was diagnosed with bipolar. It was another nine years before I finally found the right medication cocktail to bring me to stability. Hospital trips and many lost jobs along the way. I started back to school in 2010 and will graduate in 2014 finally. It has been hard but I am much better prepared and a much better student now. My bipolar experience has made me stronger and incredibly well rounded for school. I will continue and get my MBA right away.