What is Bipolar Disorder Mania?

mania dysphoricdog cartrampoline  50manicadhd 80

2 comments to What is Bipolar Disorder Mania?

  • AKSusan

    Hahaha! Yup. Not sure I’ve ever had “tiger blood”, but I definitely get the ears flapping in the wind thing.

    Have a happy and healthy 4th Julie!

  • Maureen

    sometimes pressure gets to me, its like somedays are too much, and need to fast rewind and restart them again, aint easy when you have a poorly ferret and a son who drifts in and leaves the kitchen door open for the ferret to poo where ever he wants, !!!!!! am pulling hair out….

    He just doesnt think, but it so gets to me, and its so hard to not let it annoy.
    By the way the son is 30yrs old, not a kid, and doesnt live here either….