Depressing media coverage of our ‘economic’ situation

My media fast

I decided to go on a media fast a few months ago. All of the depressing news about our world economy was not helping the reality of my own economic situation! So I turned off all news. I stopped listening to NPR, reading Yahoo headlines, looking at newspapers and reading business magazines. It has now been over three months. I am such a differnt person. i don’t wake up at 4AM in a panic. I don’t feel like I’m missing much- I can listen to a download of a show if needed. I am worried about the world, but I can only help the world if I’m well. 

It has helped immensely. And I still manage to know what is going on in the world as my friends are very informed.

I will do whatever it takes to stay stable so that I can work and make my own money. I don’t want the media to adversely affect my view of the world!


1 comment to Depressing media coverage of our ‘economic’ situation

  • I’ve done something very similar. We dropped print newspapers, and I don’t watch tv news or listen to much NPR. I don’t want to read online headlines either. Instead I read thoughtful, balanced magazine articles quite remote from the latest scare, disaster or warning of the imminent destruction of life as we know it. That takes a lot of stress out of my life, and the relief is central to my struggle against depression.

    I need to say also that your book, Getting It Done When You’re Depressed, helped me enormously to make the changes in my work life I desperately needed. Those steps and the adjustment of expectations about how I need to manage work have removed a crushing load of stress. I can’t thank you enough for that!

    All my best — John

    Hi John,

    Thank you very much for your nice words. I am glad my difficulties with work have helped others with their difficulties. I’m having one of the those days where I’ve drifted in and out of projects- which means the guilt is starting. So I said to myself- Julie, do you want to feel better? Then sit in front of your computer and do what you need to do! And I got to read your nice comment! Julie