Cats and Dogs

Bipolar Disorder Treatment and Animal Friends

I call my cat Bibi my depression companion. It always amazes me at how much better I feel when I spend time with her. Even when I’m crying and feel I can’t function- I can still pet Bibi!

It is the same with my mom’s dog Cookie. It’s hard to be depressed around her. I have had days were I sit in my mom’s backyard in a depressed stupor- but I always feel better when I see Cookie.

Petting an animal releases endorphins-  throwing a ball with an animal increases endorphins! So it makes sense that our animal friends could help us all manage this illness more successfully.

Bibi needs a lot of attention. It’s hard to focus on her sometimes, but I make myself see it from her perspective. She really loves playing with string- even if it feels like a Herculean task to play with her, I make myself do it. I always feel better afterwards.

Is there a pet in your life that can help you feel better?


2 comments to Cats and Dogs

  • james CIT 154

    it amazes me how animals can create happiness.

  • Janetta

    For me, Animals have always been someone to love who loves you back regardless and is such a privilege to share time and space with them….Everyone should be able to have access to a companion animal if they would like one. I feel very sad for people living in rentals or accommodations that dont allow pets. I have a friend who was evicted and had to give up his beloved dog to go live in a hostel…but he managed to get another place and he got the dog back…that literally gave him back the will to live….! 😉