Here is a question from Jackie regarding her son. So many parents worry about their children when they have to travel or be away from home for an extended period of time. I know my mom worries about me and I’m 45! As you can see from Jackie’s question, it’s hard to find the balance of letting your child be independent and at the same time accepting that he or she needs extra help. Click to the link at the end of this blog to hear my reply.
Hi Julie…I need some direction and advice Please. My 21 yr old sone as bioplar II and does pretty well most of the time living on his own… however, as you know, bi polar being what it is there are times every cple months he needs someone to stay ith him for a few days to get him thru a tough cycle. Most of the time that person is me, but sometimes i cannot be there ( if traveling for work ) and i have no idea how to go about finding a resource or finding the right person to rely on. We dont have any other family in this area so i need to outsource and i dont know where to begin.
Here is my podcast answer:
Your podcasts are so good…thank you for using this media to help others. Your book…LOVING SOMEONE WITH BIPOLAR was very helpful to me when taking care of my son who is approaching 40…..he continues to improve. There is a lot self-awareness with him.