Writing through anxietyAnxiety comes in many forms- but there is one thing they all have in common. Physical symptoms. These symptoms include breathing problems, uncomfortable waves of fear, restlessness and in some, paralysis! Anxiety is complicated because it can be seen as a person’s inability to deal with life- when in reality it’s a well documented and treatable illness. I’ve often sat down to write a book and felt such waves of anxiety I felt there was no way I could go on. I can usually write through them- on really tough days I walk around. Then there really are some days where I just give up and write more later. When I had my own radio show- I loved being live, but the anxiety was so bad a few days before the show I felt like I was going crazy. I’ve never experienced anything like it. When you listen to the shows, I bet you can’t tell! Julie My radio shows can be found on the right category menu under the radio tab.