Julie A. Fast on Miley Cyrus, Amanda Bynes and the Open Letters from Sinead O’Connor
People have asked me my ideas on the Miley Cyrus, Amanda Bynes and Sinead O’Connor social media war of words. Here’s my take on the situation.
Miley Cyrus was rude and unkind to Amanda Bynes who is currently in treatment for a mental health disorder. Her breakdown was seen by thousands through her social media posts where to be honest, she was very disrespectful of her fellow musicians – and in some cases very odd in her ‘love’ posts to the singer Drake.
But, as always there is more here than what is seen on the surface.
Why did Miley Tweet About Amanda Bynes?
Amanda Bynes was ill and sent a tweet to Miley Cyrus that said, U R Ugly. So, I can see why Miley is upset. I would be too- and if it were just two pop starlettes getting their social media feud on, who cares!
The problem is that Miley has missed the connection between the U R Ugly tweet and Amanda Bynes’ obvious mental illness. That is why everyone is so upset including Sinead O’Connor who has been very open about her bipolar disorder diagnosis and how it affected her behavior when she was Miley’s age.
Why Did Sinead O’Connor Get Involved?
Sinead O’Connor responded to Miley and asked that she have more respect for those of us with a mental illness. Miley was not very understanding in her response. She went on the attack and posted tweets from Sinead regarding her bipolar disorder.
I know, this all sounds like a sixth grade playground upset, but it’s just too serious to ignore what has happened if you are affected by mental illness.
When I saw that Miley Cyrus re-tweeted Sinead O’Connor’s tweets about her bipolar disorder, I was amazed that Miley took the time to go back and find them. Sinead wrote me on Twitter with some of her questions at the time. I was so impressed with her openness. She asked about medications.
It was a few years ago! She had just figured out what was going on in her brain- and so much was making sense and she had questions.
A friend pointed out that because the Miley re-Tweets didn’t have a date on them, people might think that Sinead was sick right now- which she obviously isn’t. This is where it got personal with Sinead.
Sinead pointed out the dates of the tweets in one of her open letters to Miley. (The internet is an amazing tool for education when used the right way!)
Did Miley Cyrus Go too Far When She Posted Sinead’s Old Tweets about Bipolar Disorder?
Yes!! Come on Miley! If you are going to use social media to get your point across, at least note that the Tweets were from a time when Sinead was ill and seeking help. Otherwise, it might affect the way that people view Sinead today, especially in terms of her ability to work. Miley’s clever retort to the current controversy could have a very real and damaging effect on Sinead’s upcoming tour, how she makes a living and if she was in a vulnerable state, it have put her in a spiral
It saddens that someone in Miley’s position would put down Sinead O’Connor for being open and honest about her bipolar disorder. But Sinead is well and strong right now and has very obviously taken great care of herself since her diagnosis.
Is Miley Just Immature?
No way! Let’s not let Miley off the hook and say it’s an immaturity thing. That’s B.S. Miley would NEVER have written any of this if the topic had been breast cancer. Can you imagine if she sent a Tweet that said:
“Amanda! Get over it! It’s just chemo for your breast cancer. Your behavior is just weird.”
The entire Race for the Cure would have worn protest t-shirts.
Physical illness groups such as Race for the Cure are organized- those of us with mental illness are not.
We are such an easy target.
This isn’t immaturity- it’s mental illness ignorance.
We have come a long way- but there is so long to go. Miley needs a spanking for sure. She’s a brat. I actually like her a lot and thought she was hilarious on Saturday Night Live. She’s an artist. Fine.
What she really needs is a cup of mental health kindness. When an ‘artist’ who has a huge following uses it to put down a defenseless person, then it has gone too far.
It’s very obvious that Amanda Bynes is very ill and that any U R Ugly message she sent was done under extreme duress and can’t be taken personally in light of her currently being treated for a mental illness.
My heart breaks for Amanda Bynes and her family. Her parents went through the same experience I had when my former partner Ivan was ill in 1995 and I had to go to court to keep him safe in the hospital. The huge difference is that there was no social media back then. Ivan’s manic and psychotic behavior stayed safe. I can’t imagine what it must be like to read all of this while your daughter is still so very ill.
I’m so thankful there was no social media when I was manic and in my 20s. That would be embarrassing!
Miley can laugh about her VMA performance and call it her poetic license. I agree with her! We can turn off the TV. She is a performer- let her perform.
The difference is that Amanda Bynes has lost her career.
She is such a beautiful and funny actress. I hope that she can get treatment and find stability. I know from personal experience that she is going to be MORTIFIED at what she did when she was ill. She will need a lot of support.
I have heard many diagnoses reported. She was obviously manic and psychotic and we know that means some form of bipolar disorder.
Is There a Positive?
Yes! I can see the bright side and say thank you to Miley. Because of her, we get to see the amazing Sinead O’Connor talking about her experiences with bipolar disorder. (I have added a link to her interview for the Ireland Independent newspaper. )
Miley unwittingly opened up a much needed dialogue that gives those of us with bipolar and other mental health disorders a forum for getting our opinions across. Miley has given us millions of views- this will educate so many ignorant people! I feel bad for Miley in some ways- she didn’t take on Sinead O’Connor the singer- she took on Sinead O’Connor and the entire world of bipolar disorder. That will not be a fair fight. Miley will get schooled.
I normally would get online and talk with everyone on the topic. But I’m not up for it right now- thank heavens Sinead is there to get our voice heard. I can’t imagine what it would be like if someone attacked me socially right now. I’m stable enough to stick up for myself- but it would take a toll on my health.
If you have bipolar- how has all of this affected you? If you love someone with the illness- or any mental health disorder, how did it affect you? If you’re not sure what to do, I suggest you forward this newsletter and then ask others what they are thinking.
If we demand justice for those with physical illnesses and disabilities, we have to demand the same justice for those who can’t speak for themselves due to mental illness.
We need the respect because unkind words and actions can make us ill. Words directed towards those with bipolar disorder can cause physical harm.
We don’t have the luxury of a stable brain to protect us if times get tough.
Believe me.. having a well brain is a luxury I’ve never taken for granted!
I’m interested to know what you think. Please comment on my blog and
pass on this post and link to anyone you think could benefit.
Click here to read and listen to Sinead O’Connor’s take on all of this. The interview is from the Irish Independent: Sinead O’Connor: What Miley Cyrus Should Say Next. The singer tells Barry Egan why she’s incensed about Cyrus’s tweets
Finally, let’s respect Miley Cyrus and her right to state her opinion. And most of all, let’s write Sinead on her Twitter account and give her as much support and thanks as possible. She spoke for many of us who were not up for this particular battle.
Thanks to Sinead!
There is no reason to say Miley needs a “spanking.” That is threatening someone with physical violence/assault and that is wrong. I also don’t agree with name calling. If you want to be taken professionally, stick to her actions, state your opinion/knowledge, and refrain from name calling and threats of hitting. You might also have some compassion and consider the fact that maybe Miley might be ill and that is affecting her behavior.
Great post, Julie. I admit I have actually wondered if Miley was headed for some sort of mental health situation of her own. Her behavior has been so self-disrespectful, self-destructive and out-of-control, and I have wondered if her attacks on Amanda Bynes and Sinead were perhaps a case of “methinks she doth protest too much.” However, I acknowledge it is possible she is simply an entitled brat who is being unbelievably unkind, which is clearly unacceptable.
Either way, I hope some wiser minds prevail on her soon before she can be any more hurtful to others or herself.
Your comparison to breast cancer is spot on!!! Thanks for continuing this conversation!
In earlier years, Billy Ray was a delight and a genuine person who took time to give his fans attention, hugs, and encouragement. He didn’t discriminate about appearances, weight, or age…and Miley stood on the sidelines watching what he did at concerts for a long period of her life.
Now, she has ditched the venues her Dad opened doors FOR her (Doc & Hannah Montana) and progressively is ATTEMPTING to shock us all into compliance to try and make believe she has talent. It’s Miley and her Mom’s agenda….Mom has issues and so does Miley. Big issues. Talent, not so much. I disagree w/Sinead on that one, however,Miley does have a huge ego which probably masks most of her feelings of insecurity. Ultimately, it won’t work and she’ll wake up rich but empty. I just wish people would quit feeding into her attention seeking behavior and let her fade out.
i like her though.