I hear stories all summer about people who go off their meds because they feel so GREAT and then the disasters that follow. It’s easy to think – the sun is just so WONDERUFL!!!!!! when the weather gets nice, you’re off school, you have a vacation, the kids are home, etc.
There is no doubt that summer is wonderful if you were depressed in the winter- but this is just a friendly reminder that when things get WONDERFUL!!!!! it’s time to check for mania. Here are some questions to ask yourself – or ask the person you care about.
1. Are you sleeping a lot less than what is considered the norm- but are still filled with energy the next day? The norm is six to eight hours- mania sleep would be less than five hours for example- or sometimes not even sleeping at all.
2. Did what seemed truly hopeless just a few months ago suddenly become full of possibility and beauty?
3. Are the people in your life commenting on your energy level and that you need to cool it?
4. Are you more creative, but less functional?
5. Do you have the thought that you don’t need your medications as you feel JUST FINE!
6. Are you acting ( or even thinking ) compulsively regarding spending, sexuality, travel, etc?
7. Are you filled with nervous and uncomfortable energy? Is this energy painful and worrisome- but you can’t seem to calm down?
8. Is your mind racing, are you starting to see things and hear things, do you feel paranoid or agitated?
There are two levels of mania– hypomania (bipolar II) and full blown mania (bipolar I). Mania can start slowly and stay at a low level. This is called hypomania.
Mania can also start really quickly and spin out of control and often into psychosis really quickly. This is called full blown mania.
Within the levels of mania- there is
Euphoric (happy! grandiose!)
Mania and dysphoric/mixed mania (agitation, racing thoughts, irritation, anger, feeling uncomfortable.)
I created the Health Cards Treatment System for Bipolar Disorder to help my depression- but they have helped the most in terms of mania. It’s hard to catch lightening in a bottle- and mania is like lightening. The treatment window is SO short.
Please make sure you are ready for the absolutely first signs that mania is starting. Fill out or look at your mania Health Card.
I want us all to have a wonderful summer- not a WONDERFUL!!!!! summer.
My book Take Charge of Bipolar Disorder has more information about mania symptoms as well.
I have bipolar disorder and havent had a manic episode in 6 years. I AM PRAYING FOR ONE. I feel great, almost like a superhero, i have all the positive effects of the mania with no aggitation or other negative effects of mania.
Danielle…I never had negative effects of mania either…until I did. It’s deceptive. Don’t pray for it as good as it feels.
Danielle…I never had negative effects of mania either…until I did. It’s deceptive. Don’t pray for it, as good as it feels.
I’m having it now. Not the mania, but the insomnia, extreme aggitation and depression. On cloudy days I swing into a good mood then drop the next day. My meds usually keep me ok,
but everything is getting to me today. On top of that I feel guilty that I’m so impatient with my 3 year old son. My doc. says to stay out of the sun and stay on a rigid sleep scedule but it’s almost impossible as I live in the desert and have a young child and a job, luckily I have an understanding boss. The same thing happened last year. Any suggestions?
Haven’t had one going on 4 years and don’t want a manic episdoe.But I still can’t sleep. I go to bed at the same time every night get up early the next morning. But don’t sleep I get up every two to 3 hours.