Guest Blogger pt. 2 Gayathri Ramprasad- author of Shadows in the Sun on Speaking the Truth about Mental Illness

speaking-truthI am sitting here with author, speaker and mental health advocate Gayathri Ramprasad. (Click here to read her original guest post.)

She just told me this story.

“The Indian national motto says:  Satyameva Jayate. In English it means, “Truth Alone Triumphs.”  As a child I was raised by parents who taught me that honesty is the greatest virtue- they were hardworking and modest people. And yet I remember at age 25 in 1987 sitting in a psychiatrist’s office in Bangalore, India getting my diagnosis of depression and anxiety and in a heartbeat believing  that my truth about mental illness would destroy not just me and my family but generations to come.

Unfortunately things haven’t changed a whole lot- we are still so terrified to share the truth about our mental illness whether at home, in our community, at work or places of worship- we are terrified to share our truth and yet I go back to the philosophy on the flag- Does truth alone triumph?

Does it?

My answer finally is YES. Ultimately the truth is that mental illness is a human experience and a part of the continuum from illness to wellness. People with mental illness can thrive- it’s a truth.  My life is a testament to this motto.  And it’s a truth I want to share with the world.”

Satyameva Jayate









Truth Alone Triumphs

Gayathri! You are an amazing woman!   Julie

Click here to read more about Shadows in the Sun.

2 comments to Guest Blogger pt. 2 Gayathri Ramprasad- author of Shadows in the Sun on Speaking the Truth about Mental Illness

  • This is so true about the stigma. I admire you for doing what you are doing, I am also an advocate for mental illness.
    Thank you for what you are doing.

  • The truth heals. Once you accept that you have a mental illness and share your feelings to others, they begin to understand you more. And you begin your healing process. I would like to recommend the book, “From Panic To Power” by Lucinda Bassette. It helped me with my anxieties, because with depression comes anxiety with it.

    I will surely buy your book and read it. God bless.