Podcast from Julie A. Fast on Travel and Bipolar Disorder and so much more…

free callHere is part one of a three part interview I did on the topics of travel, professional speaking, working with Claire Danes on Homeland and my wonderful speaking and training trip to Monterey, California.

Thanks to everyone in Monterey, California for such a wonderful experience. I loved speaking at the Wellness conference, visiting the group residents, talking with the Youth in Transition program and giving the keynote at the Fiesta of Hope dinner.  Thanks to everyone at Monterey Public Health and Interim. And now for the topic of the podcast.  How on earth does a person with bipolar disorder handle all of the travel and its related stress when the anxiety is knocking on your door and you wonder how you’re going to meet your obligations without getting sick? The answer is in the podcast. Definitely let me know what you think.  Thanks as always to the wonderfully talented Sheri Joi for her interview and organizational skills. I wish everyone with bipolar disorder had a Sheri Joi in life!

Please share this link with friends. Part two is coming soon! Julie

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