I broke my toe!

I have had many things happen physically since being diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Lot’s of tripping- balance problems and vision problems from bipolar disorder medication side effects. It’s odd how depression can make a person so vulnerable.

Well, I have no excuses for this one. I just stepped off a curb the wrong way! I am so thankful my mood has been stable. I have a lot of work to do and made a plan to get it all done this weekend. I said to myself, “You have a writing project that is due and you are almost done! Don’t let anything stop you from getting it done!” I broke the toe about two hours later.

This is a blog to make you smile! The toe will be fine.  I am thankful I am well enough to handle it with ease!

The foot is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could get an xray of our brain that shows an exact spot for bipolar disorder and then the doctor could say- there it is! We can fix that! I am sure that the PET scans of brains of people with bipolar disorder will teach us a lot.   Julie


4 comments to I broke my toe!

  • tehenita

    Hi Julie, Ouch, that sounds painful. I wish you a speedy healing process.

    thank you Tehenita! Though I am not happy about the toe- I have to admit that the xray has changed the way I look at the insides of my body! We need to keep the outside healthy so that our bones can funtion and support us easily. Julie

  • Sandra

    Aren’t x-rays interesting?

    Wishing you a quick recovery!


    Hi, Thank you! I am writing an article on psychosis while icing my foot. Psychosis is a normal part of bipolar disoder- but it’s little understood by people with the illness- which makes the topic difficult to put into layperson terms! julie

  • Danielle

    Hope your toe heals quickly. its amazing how we depend on our feet so much, last year i broke my foot in 7 places and i was in a cast for 5 months, we really depend on our feet. and i now what you mean i wish bi plar could be xrayed and treated and then go away

  • Rosa

    Well, i never stop learning. i was wondering what was causing balance clumsiness issues. never put together my lamictal/deplin combo.

    i have to say, since my DX in 2007, i have gained more self-esteem than in my 40 years prior. There’s a reason for all of this! (of course i struggle a bit when i’m having a paranoid spell! lol)

    and i’m so sorry about your foot. my 11 yr old daughter is nursing a broken toe. (who has bp-disorder i’m afraid, but another story all together)

    blessings all

    hello Rosa,

    Bipolar medication side effects can be very odd- but it is undersandably as our brains control all that we do- and we are taking medications that affect our brains.

    When I was on Tegretol, I had what I called Tegretol eyeball. I lost my depth perception – I actually wore an eye patch to even things out. I now know that this type of side effect is not exactly acceptable and I should have talked about it more with my doctor! Of course, many people take Tegretol with no eye problems !Julie