Author, Speaker, Health Advocate Karen Tyrell: Guest Blogger Update!

Karen Tyrrell pic small 2014

Welcome back Karen Tyrell!

Many of our readers have asked for updates from our guest bloggers so we reached out to see what they were up to.  Karen Tyrrell has been busy and is excited to announce her next great project, her latest children’s book, Stop the Bully has arrived! Here is a wonderful update from Karen: If you would like to read her original guest blog post for, click here.

I, Karen Tyrrell, am an Australian award winning mental health author and teacher, as well as a survivor of Bipolar Disorder. I keep myself resilient on a day to day basis with my pro-active wellness plan.  When I was a teacher, parents at my school bullied me to the breaking point, triggering bipolar disorder. I wrote Me and Her: A Memoir of Madness, this was my journey into and out of bipolar.  Later I published the sequel Me and Him: A Guide to Recovery, two books in one.  Part 1 is a self-help manual with 30 steps to recovery and wellness. Part 2 is a memoir from the caregiver’s perspective revealing the effect bipolar had on my husband, Steve.

karen me and her and him pic

Why I write Mental Health books for Children

I’m a passionate mental health advocate for children. Prevention is better than cure in my opinion. I write empowering books to lift children’s moods, strengthen their resilience, boosting self-esteem and self-confidence. I wrote Bailey Beats the Blah, an empowering picture book to help kids overcome sad days and worry thoughts.


baily beats the blah karenBLURB: Bailey hates his new school. His tummy aches. He has no friends.

His dog Fuzzy slobbers all over him. BLAH! How can Bailey change his BLAH to HA-HA-HA?

I was bullied as a child and as a teacher. Now I’m an anti-bullying campaigner educating children, teaching empathy and resilience. My junior novel STOP the Bully empowers boys and girls with assertive anti-bullying strategies, revealing the bullying dilemma from all perspectives.

 BLURB: Eleven year old Brian is hiding something. His life is falling apart. Dad abandoned the family. Brian hates his new school. And now an aggressive bully attacks him every day. Can Brian STOP the Bully without revealing his shameful secret?

karen stop the bully book cover

I enjoy presenting storytelling sessions, pantomimes and author talks at schools, libraries and festivals. STOP the BULLY is endorsed by Kids Helpline, teachers and counsellors. Download FREE teacher notes and FREE kids activities from my website. STOP the BULLY is available on Amazon Kindle for just $3.99 here.

Thanks for the opportunity to tell your readers about what I’ve been up to.

Visit to read more about my work.  Here is my Twitter @Karen_Tyrrell.

–  Thank you! Karen


PS: Wow, what an inspiration! Please ask Karen any questions you have below and I will make sure she get them and answers them on the site! Julie

5 comments to Author, Speaker, Health Advocate Karen Tyrell: Guest Blogger Update!

  • Hi Julie,
    This is fantastic!
    Thanks so much for requesting a Guest Blog on my latest NEWS, and my children’s book, STOP the Bully.
    I invite your readers to ask a question on my book STOP the Bully, bully prevention and coping skills for Bipolar.
    Karen 🙂

  • Karen Neaton

    HI Karen,
    I read one day that you said you were being blatantly bipolar today. What did you mean by that?

    • Hi Karen,
      I wear many hats: teacher, writer, mental health advocate.
      But Today I ‘m blatantly shouting I’m Bipolar over here on Bipolar Happens website. Proud that I’m keeping well using my coping skills.
      And able to help others with my mental health books, offering hope and resilience skills.
      Karen 🙂
      PS Thanks for reading STOP the Bully and reviewing it with *5 STARS

  • Dear Karen
    Isn’t it strange that I’ve not met another teacher with Bipolar Disorder face to face. Do you think there are many who keep the diagnosis secret?
    I’d love to do more work in helping train managers and middle managers to look after the welfare of their staff, especially in a mental health capacity.
    I think the work you are doing for youngsters is fantastic. Absolutely fantastic.
    I am also very happy to be well. I don’t take my mental health for granted.

  • Hi Catherine,
    Lovely to meet you.
    I’m certain, there are lots of Teacher’s with bipolar.
    I suspect, they keep it to themselves because of the stigma.
    Like you, its great to be well, as long as we keep practicing our wellness plan.

    My children’s books Bailey Beats the Blah and STOP the Bully have just received a mental health achievement award.

    Good luck with your dream of training managers with Mental Health.
    Take care, Karen 🙂