I recently wrote a few short definitions of bipolar disorder related terms. I based the legnth off of Twitter word counts. IE, what you write on Twitter has to be really, really short!
Here are a few more:
TREATING BIPOLAR: Takes a set, daily plan used by yourself and family members. Triggers must be noticed and stopped, relationships must be calm. Meds are essential, but never enough.
Feel free to send these from your own Twitter! I can be found at @JulieBipolar
BIPOLAR PSYCHOSIS: Misunderstood, very common symptom of bipolar disorder, includes hearing and seeing things, paranoia and false beliefs. Goes with mania. Meds: antipsychotics.
SIGNS OF BIPOLAR DISORDER: Very little sleep without being tired (mania). Mania must be present- elevated mood can feel good or awful. Depression, anxiety, OCD, ADD, psychosis are also present.
BIPOLAR AFFECTIVE DISORDER: Actually bipolar affective disorder. Another name for bipolar disorder (manic depression, bipolar illness) that is used mostly in England. I use bipolar disorder.
ANXIETY DISORDERS: panic, OCD, agoraphobia, social, specific phobias, PTSD, dissociative, general. It’s complicated- general anxiety is very common with bipolar disorder.
BIPOLAR DISORDER CAUSES: Bipolar is a proven genetic illness that runs in families. It’s not an emotional problem. The symptoms can definitely be caused (triggered) by personal choices.
This is a great way to explain the illness and it’s related terms to family and friends!
Julie – good to find your blog! Your healthcards saved my life many years ago…literally. Glad to hear that you have found some things that really work for you. I too, am on Lamictal and think it’s kind of a wonder drug – although HATE the generics.