You Can Make 2015 the Best Year Ever…..

rainbow phoenixYes! I turn 51 years old today. 2015 is going to be my best year ever. The first step is to heal the back and hip- it’s certainly a challenge that will keep me on my toes. (For those who don’t know, I’m dealing with a biking injury that has certainly changed my life.) Thank you to all of my great readers and clients in 2014. Thank you for all of the kind comments on my social media. I’m enjoying coaching and will get back to writing soon.

If you have bipolar disorder and are dealing with chronic pain and or weight management struggles- guess what my next book is about! From 1995 until now my life has been all about managing bipolar disorder. Now that I have a system that works and my life is as stable as it can possibly be, I’m going to create a physical stability to match my mental stability. Integrating the mind with the body is my 2015 goal. So far so good- I will keep you posted. As always, I love hearing your success stories! Please know I read all of my social media and blog comments and though I can’t always answer each one individually, I’m thinking about you and wish you health for today so that it can build into health for all of 2015. We can do it together!


PS: Never forget- we all have the ability of the phoenix in ourselves– we can rise up from the ashes over and over again. If your 2014 was tough, you do have the strength to change. 2015 can be better.

1 comment to You Can Make 2015 the Best Year Ever…..

  • Samina Raza

    How did you manage your bipolar disorder? Please tell me. I have bipolar 1 and am always struggling even though I am on Lithium and Seroquel. Looking forward to hearing from you. I have a blog on WordPress blog, too. I think we subscribe to each other’ blog. I love your Phoenix analogy. I always say to myself that I am a Phoenix risen from the ashes! Good luck with healing from your injuries.