Bipolar Disorder and ADHD Symptoms: It’s only fun if it’s happening to a puppy and not you!

puppy butterfly


My brain feels like there is a puppy inside chasing butterflies instead of letting me work! 

It’s common for people with bipolar disorder to have ADD symptoms as well.

If the person with bipolar disorder has ADD or ADHD symptoms when manic or depressed, it’s a symptom of bipolar disorder. If the symptoms are separate from a manic or depressed episode, the ADD or ADHD symptoms are a separate diagnosis. 

I wish I could take Ritalin regularly. It helps SO MUCH, but it also causes mania. People with bipolar disorder simply can’t take ADD medications unless they are also on a strong mood stabilizer. This means a natural management plan for the symptoms needs to be in place  I write about my plan in Get it Done When You’re Depressed. I  used my strategies this morning and finally got out of the house and was able to sit down and work.  Puppies chasing butterflies are cute- unless they keep you from getting on with your life.

These attention problems significantly affect my ability to work.  I have a separate ADD problem  that has to be treated separately from the bipolar disorder! Do you have ADD symptoms?


julie fast get it done cover

2 comments to Bipolar Disorder and ADHD Symptoms: It’s only fun if it’s happening to a puppy and not you!

  • Benny legaspe

    What are ADD Symptoms?

  • Dusty

    Hi Julie,
    Yes!!! Finally!!! This is something I’m struggling with at this moment. My current diagnosis is Bipolar 1, ADD and I learned to self-medicate to try to ease my symptoms at 18. Every doctor I’ve seen tells me I cannot stay on my bipolar meds, ADD Meds and take Subutex. Why after 5 years and finally stable and comfortable are they wanting to take me off of my Adderrall too? I can’t focus on ANYTHING. I’m a mother to 2 and even my family is baffled. Can you give me a clear reason as to why or how to talk to a doctor that seems #