The mood swings over the past few weeks have been intense, but they are now calmed down.
Managing bipolar disorder is a daily task.
I don’t get a break. Is it that way for you? I’m not saying I’m miserable or in a mood swing all of the time. I am saying that in order to stay as stable as possible, I treat bipolar disorder first in all things that I do. I’m speaking in Atlanta, Georgia on the 18th. I started planing for the trip last week in terms of getting my sleep on the same time schedule and packing ahead of time. If I don’t do this- and believe me I don’t want to!- it will affect my performance!
Here I am in the tulip fields in Seattle, Washington and traveling in China in 1995. I was hypomanic when I went to China…by myself! I then got psychotic and depressed in Hong Kong and was finally diagnosed with bipolar disorder a month after these pictures were taken. Wow, so long ago!