A day in the life of me…. All I want to do is write. I want to finish my books, write my Bp Magazine and Psychology Today blogs. I want to make my videos, see my friends and family and get on with life.
Bipolar disorder DOESN’T CARE about any of this.
Bipolar disorder is a very complex illness with incredibly intricate symptoms that weaves its way into every fiber of my being.
Today was a challenge and sometimes when it gets time for bed, all I can do is say thank heavens I made it through another day of this rotten illness.
I am saying thank you now simply because this is my policy. I am thankful I have a management plan that works. Otherwise, today would have been a @#$! storm.
I am thankful for my mother and nephew. They understand me.
I am thankful I have clients who can deal with my emails being a bit late. Bipolar never affects the quality of my work, but it affects my ability to answer email. Go figure!
I am thankful this kind of day isn’t every day anymore. For many years, my life was all bipolar. All of the time.
Now, my life is much better! Today was an aberration.
I can live with a day of bipolar.
Tomorrow, you better watch out because I’m going to get things done!
I talk to myself in the exact same way. Your words ‘I can live with one day of Bipolar’ encouraged me today.
I have to remind myself, like you, that I used to be worse.
I need those reminders all the time because I forget.
My psychiatrist calls it ‘bipolar memory’. When we are in a down mood we forget that we ever had an up mood, when we are in an up mood, we forget we are ever in a down mood.
Thanks for the reminders.