By Demitri Papolos, MD
Hypersexuality in children is rarely openly discussed for two reasons: one is that sexuality in children (bipolar or not) is simply not spoken about in public; and the other, sadly, is that parents of hypersexual children are afraid to mention the subject. They are petrified that child protective service agencies will find out and wrongly assume that a hypersexual child is an over stimulated child, and that overstimulation stems from sexual abuse in the home. Few people—even the professionals at child protective service agencies— realize that hypersexualityis very common during the manic or hypomanic stages of bipolar disorder in adults and in children.
What is the definition of hypersexuality?
Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary describes “hypersexual” as “unusually or excessively interested in or concerned with sexual activity.” It is an accepted fact that hypersexuality hypersexuality is a symptom of hypomania or mania in an adult who has bipolar disorder.
In children, the symptom may manifest as a fascination with private parts and an increase in self-stimulatory behaviors, a precocious interest in things of a sexual nature, and language laced with highly sexual words or phrases.
A note from Julie:
This is troubling. I have serious issues with doctors diagnosing children as bipolar. also, how do you tell a bipolar sexual child from a child who is being molested? very, very troubling indeed. this is the ethically unsound area of psychiatry.
Hello Sally. I agree it is a troubling topic. I can assure you that the differences are profound. Childhood trauma manifests differenly than childhood mania. Mania, especially euphoric mania is episodic, follows a very distinct set of symptoms and can actually feel like a positive experience for the child. It comes with all of the other signs of mania including goal driven activites, a change in language speed, extra creativity and most importantly intense changes in sleep.
Trauma behavior is usually more consistent over time. Thank you very much for your comment as it reminds me I need to address this in my new book.
I am 44 and married after 10 years of affairs, prostitutes, massage palours, cybering etc and just thinking that I was an aweful human being I was diagnosed with BP, still struggle with it every day and just reaching out to others, somehow I am still married with two amazing kids, but of course I worry about them as well as they approach teenage years, I also have no idea how to help my wife heal, she is aware of my behaviour, I have no idea of how to relate to her intimately, so if you know anyone who can help that would be great