Update: A Passionate Plea… you don’t have to read the news.

Oops! The blog below I wrote this morning must have been more depressing than I intended!

I had people write to see if I was ok and my dear friend Sheri sent me a text that said, “Are you ok? Read your blog.  Just checking in!”

It matters to have people in life who care about you. I am always careful with this blog- I want to be honest and reflect what we all go through with this illness, but I want to be supportive and offer awesome information as well! So, in the blog below you can read about some  honest down feelings- but I want to say that I was fine a few hours later and actually see some sun now!  The next time I write a downer blog- I will make sure to remind us all that the sun will come out .. later in the afternoon!

Here is my downer blog! 🙂

It’s August 9th here in Portland, Oregon and it’s 59 degrees outside.

I do know that many across the US are experiencing record high temperatures. Stories from my friends in Louisiana and Texas are pretty awful!

But, we are where we are and my local weather is getting me down.  I know that I write that we all need to watch out for summer mania. Mania is often created by the sun. But….. a dark and gloomy day in August is a recipe for a bit of depression. That’s for sure.

Thus, my passionate plea.  If you’re not doing well in terms of bipolar disorder either because of the weather or other summer oriented issues (family get togethers, etc!), please know that you don’t have to follow the depressing news of the world. I know, I’m a broken record on this as well.

Our moods are completely affected by outside events. Our bipolar brains are different which is one reason I don’t listen to the negative and worrisome stuff the media puts on the front pages.

I made the mistake of reading some headline stories today: the stock market troubles in the US, riots in the UK etc.

And I was reminded of my own advice.  Before I read the articles, I was doing ok. After reading the articles, I felt stressed and worried and then I looked outside at the weather! 😉

Nothing in the world will change because I read a few articles, but the articles changed me in a negative way. If I choose to help, I can work with a non profit who can do the help for me. But as a person with bipolar disorder, some distance between myself and the daily media is essential.  Too bad I can’t get distance from this weather!

Let me know what you think!


It’s 70 degrees as I write. Progress!

2 comments to Update: A Passionate Plea… you don’t have to read the news.

  • Sandra

    Here in northern Virginia, mom kept their kids in today as it was too hot too play outside!

    What I would give for a day in Oregon – a chance to pull on a long-sleeved cuddly shirt and curl up with a book and a mug of tea! My Yankee heart longs for the fall right about now, and the chance to snuggle in some of my favorite clothes!

    My son is helping me keep a sunny outlook on life. He’s 19, back from a year in Paris with his dad, but only until Saturday, when I give him to the cadre at Virginia Tech’s Corps of Cadets for New Cadet Week. I’ll need to plan for my empty nest next week so it’s not so sad.

    I hope your evening goes better, Julie. Maybe a bowl of popcorn and a favorite movie?


  • Richard Elfering

    I hope I didn’t miss something, Julie, but I didn’t find your blog either manic or depressive. It was a day of just observation and comment. Every day does not have to be bright and full sunshine in order not to be depressed. Nor does feeling good on a dark and gloomy days necessarily indicate a mania. Some days are just “average days” when the weather is so-so (because it is) and the news is tragic somewhere(because that is what news has to be to sell). So if it’s just observation on what is, and if “what is” doesn’t affect the internal emotional control, then that is just an “average” day. I thnk “average” days are ok. But doing something “happy” for yourself (like popcorn and a movie), not because you need it, but just “because” -hey, that is ok, too. Practice average days with a dab of happy. Richard