What if you just did IT anyway, no matter how sacred you feel?
Oh, I love this autocorrect! I meant to type, no matter how SCARED you feel, but sacred is better. Fear is often our way of protecting ourselves. How about if you just did IT anyway, no matter how SCARRED you feel?
That is a good question as well.
I got a yes on a big, scary project today. I spent the morning doing everything possible not to more forward with the project.
I examined myself.
What scares me? Why do I want something and then when it arrives, I’m scared to do it fully? What is the meaning of self sabotage? Why try if I’m not going to follow through?
This isn’t only bipolar disorder. This is personal. This is walking into the world that I say I want instead of just talking about the world I say I want.
I said to myself, “Julie, this is a pattern you said you wanted to END. You want success in what you do. You want to share your ideas with the world. You say you want this for yourself and for the people you can help. Now, you are getting a hair cut, taking the car into get it washed and driving around Portland instead of sitting down and fulfilling a dream. Make the change today Julie. No more talk.”
I then thought of what I needed to do and used the ideas in Get it Done When You’re Depressed. I have to use these ideas as my brain isn’t always reliable! I chose Put Yourself in a Place You Can Work and got to it.
I will share the project once it is done. I was scared. I had thoughts that said it was no good and would not get published. But I kept writing.
We can do this.
We are a team.
What would life be like if you just sat down and did what makes you scared?