An update from Julie: My toe and my psychosis article!


As you may have read in my post from last week- I broke my toe. Thanks to all who wrote such nice messages. I have to admit- a broken toe- some 100 degree days here in normally moderate Portland, Oregon and the finishing touches on a 20 page article on psychosis for can take a toll on a person!

But, the mood has been good. I am so thankful for that. I have continued to work.

How is the weather where you are? There are readers below the equator who may be quite cold right now.  I has been so hot here, the air conditioners in the restaurants aren’t strong enough to keep them cool!


1 comment to An update from Julie: My toe and my psychosis article!

  • tehenita

    Hi Julie, I hope you’re toe continues to heal, and I hope you get a respite in the weather soon. It’s been nice where I am, but it looks like we’re going to be having some hot days coming up. I just can’t wait till fall. It’s just around the corner, so I’m happy. Some of my fondest memories are of growing up in New England, and having vibrant wonderfull fall’s. The weather was cool, the trees gorgeous shades of orange, yellow, and red. I loved going down back roads in semi rainy weather, all the leaves strewn across the roads, the stone walls wet with the rain, and the wonderful earthy scent in the air. AAAHHH Autumn!!!! Well, enough from me for now.
    Big Hugs,and continued health,