Animals, love and bipolar disorder treatment!

Bipolar Disorder Treatment and Animal Friends

I call my cat Bibi my depression companion. It always amazes me at how much better I feel when I spend time with her. Even when I’m crying and feel I can’t function- I can still pet Bibi!

It is the same with my mom’s dog Cookie. It’s hard to be depressed around her. I have had days were I sit in my mom’s backyard in a depressed stupor- but I always feel better when I see Cookie.

Petting an animal releases endorphins-  throwing a ball with an animal increases endorphins! So it makes sense that our animal friends could help us all manage this illness more successfully.

Bibi needs a lot of attention. It’s hard to focus on her sometimes, but I make myself see it from her perspective. She really loves playing with string- even if it feels like a Herculean task to play with her, I make myself do it. I always feel better afterwards.

Is there a pet in your life that can help you feel better?




12 comments to Animals, love and bipolar disorder treatment!

  • Denise

    I have an emotional support pet (dog) named Cricket who knows when I am extremely depressed. When I won’t get out of bed, she will go to the door asking to go out. I will force myself out of bed to let her out. Once I open the door, she runs to my bed and gets under the covers!

  • bipingu

    I have 3 dogs & a collection of reptiles-a tortoise,gecko,bearded dragon,water dragon,tree frog & 2 turtles.Sounds like hard work,but it isn’t.Walking the dogs,cleaning out tanks,feeding time & doing all the maintainence things needed to be done to make sure my babies are happy,healthy & comfortable make me relaxed & peaceful.I wouldnt want to be without them!

  • Teresa McKerracher

    I am bipolar and my cat’s name is Audrey Hepburn 🙂 I honestly don’t know what I would do without her…she gives me good days.

    claesa – twitter

  • Diane Glasheen

    I love my animals and they really get me moving especially on a bad day. I have two dogs, a cat, a guinea pig and a chameleon. They all need a lot of attention daily and taking care of them brings me out of myself and I am able to see things in a different perspective. I wasn’t really aware of that until reading your blog today. Thanks Julie!

  • Sandra

    I have a dear little cat with rabbit-soft fur named Sammie. We found her as a tiny kitten, starving and frightened but begging for food, outside of a local restaurant. She is quite persistent about getting in her daily TLC. She’ll get right in my face, nose to nose, and purr contentedly, then settle on my chest for a session of cuddling! I talk to her as if she was a tiny baby and she just loves it, if purring is any indication. And, just like a toddler, if she doesn’t get the attention she feels she deserves, she will keep at it until I finally give up whatever other task I’m doing and take care of her.

    I cannot imagine life without this little bundle of loving fur!


  • Danielle

    pets are the best, my cairyn terrior CUBBY always makes me feel better.

  • Margie

    I have treatment-resistant bipolar and often think I cannot make it through the day.

    Whenever I walk in a room I hear the “thump, thump, thump” of my chocolate Lab’s (Ginger’s) tail! She is so happy I have come to visit, no matter what my mood. It makes me feel someone cares, even when I don’t.

    In my most unhappy moments, I lie down on her gently. She wiggles, but is content. I love her. She is always there for me.

  • joanne

    Hi Julie. Animals are amazing for people with any health issue. I am lucky enough to work with horses. The horses have helped me more than any meds or therapies (although i do know these help). Not only do they help me relax and just accept me for who i am, they also help me work out what mood swing i am in. I have rapid cycling bp2 and you will know as well as me that sometimes its hard to keep up with yourself. Anyway my horse has different behaviours to show me what mood swing i am in and now i have learned to listen to him, he has allowed me to start catching mood swings a lot earlier which means i can take action a lot quicker and its much easier to get some control over them. He is also patient with me when i am not on a good day but very honest when i am in a mood he doesnt like! He gives me space to get my head sorted by just standing near me and passing his relaxed energy to me. If i ride him when i am not well he is very careful when we go out and makes all the decisions that i am unable to make. However if i am well he is great fun and up for a gallop. I am also finding as i work more with the other horses on the yard they all have their own way of showing what mood you are in, some of them arent as subtle at telling you as my horse! Just spending time in the field with the horses can help me on a really bad day. They are the ultimate positive thinkers! It is amazing being in the company of animals who are just happy to have you around and dont demand anything from you except a bit of respect. I feel so priviledged to be accepted by them. I have made a deal with them – when i am unwell they will help me and when i am well i will help the less fortunate horses that are out there.
    Sorry for going on a bit but its hard to express just how much they have helped

    Hi Joanne,

    Wow, this is just great. I love hearing how we can get help from so many things around us. It makes sense a horse would have to ‘feel’ a lot about its rider. Interesting stuff! Julie

  • I sure don’t agree with your point of view. After looking at other blogs on the subject, I think this is wrong.

  • Hello Blair,

    Please do add more here. I am interested to know your take on the situation.


  • I never knew that Pets can be companion during depression.It is very obvious because i don’t have pets. After reading your article about pet being in company during depression, you gave me idea of creating a article on Bipolar best friend. I am regular reader of and will forward your link to them.

  • Hi Ranjeet,

    I visited the Disorder Central Blog. Very interesting! I will have to read more. Maybe you would like having a cat! Julie