Are you a partner of a person with bipolar disorder?

??????????????????????????????????????????????Are you in a romantic relationship with a person who has bipolar disorder? Here are a few reasons why treating bipolar disorder first is the only way for a relationship to stabilize and become joyful:

Reasons to Treat Bipolar Disorder First

1. Less stress on the relationship

2. Fewer medical bills

3. Less addictive and dangerous behavior

4. Creates a stable environment for children

5. Work is possible Money can be managed more effectively

6. Life can be enjoyable again

When I work with partners of those who have bipolar, I always stress that until the bipolar is treated and managed, relationships rarely change for the better. When the bipolar disorder is treated and managed, relationships ALWAYS change for the better.  Have you read Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder?  It you’re a partner, this book is the BEST!  Yes, I’m biased. 😉 Julie

PS: Have you read Loving? If so, how did it help you the most? For myself, the tips on how to deal with the irritation and anger of someone in a dysphoric manic episode have really made a difference in my relationships. The second edition of the book has a new chapter on helping a partner manage medications. It’s good! If you read the orange copy of the book- you might want to check out the new chapter in the blue copy.

PSS. Loving is available in Japanese!



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